Anonymous ID: a091b2 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:29 a.m. No.12708757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8785 >>8795 >>8833

Datura has been used in Shamanic practices for 1000s of years. It's also known as Jimson weed, loco weed, thorn apples etc.

The plant itself can be refined and administered folklorico as in vodou as a "coup de poudre" which produce loss of volition, extreme suggestibility and subsequent amnesia in victims. Scopolamine, hyoscine and a multitude of other psychoactive alkaloids are found in Brugmansia -


For a few years the hookers in NYC were using this - at a republican convention anon remembers several delegates were found wandering naked in central park - minus wallet and ID and with last memories talking to a whore in a nightclub.


Can't have that in a convention town anons, the whores got the word to stop doping the marks. They did. Life went on.


>Maybe you know it as angel's trumpet, or Hell's bells, or simply Brugmansia, a genus of flowering plant with seven recognized species. Whatever the case, toé is notorious. Every part of the plant is toxic, seeping alkaloids like atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine, or Colombian devil's breath. And it's reportedly now in the hands of slimy pseudo shamans looking to cash in on the South American drug-tourism boom.