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It means Hurwitz is going investigate Trump's DOJ to see if they tried to influence the erection. err election.
Horowitz Goes Both Ways
Assuming Biden being president is part of the plan, and the plan involves Trump winning 2024, this is very interesting in the sense that all of Biden's Trump investigations will reveal a clean Trump administration. Eliminating all the cries of Trump is corrupt as the left so much likes to claim. Which is pretty bad ass. But again, I'm assuming a lot.
I've actually read the Horowitz report, which I encourage all anons to read. It's still relevant.
It details all the crazy actions done in the FBI and the insanity Bruce Ohr was doing in excruciating detail. But it always comes to the conclusion that there is no DOJ or FBI policy that strictly forbids those actions and sugge3sts in the future there should be policy changes to amend that.
An hyperbolic example is -
"Anon bought elephant blood from the dark web and bathed in the elephant blood in front of a pre-school, while dressed in a spider-man costume. As there are no laws against against buying elephant blood from the dark web, and no laws against bathing in elephant blood while dressed in a spider-man costume in front of a preschool, we find the anon did not break any laws. We suggest in the future laws be made against this."
What I'm trying to say is, the Horowitz report against Trump's DOJ when it comes out will read exactly like "Trump's DOJ did this, but there's nothing saying they can't do it." So fear not anons.