enoch did not write the entire apocrypha… but now yer gittin it.
>sticks and stones…
Einstein, albert.
man Is evil.
and calling the Truth a "blanket statement" is ignorance exemplified.
enoch did not write the entire apocrypha… but now yer gittin it.
>sticks and stones…
Einstein, albert.
man Is evil.
and calling the Truth a "blanket statement" is ignorance exemplified.
opsec died in utah.
rudy can afford it.
everyone at the top gets to the top because they are richer than crœsus already.
<congressional freshmen aside.
>you should be picking my conjecture apart and telling me what I missed or where I am wrong.
<you are just wrong.
<<no analysis needed.
prayse gid.
>the top of the illuminati pyramid are not… baby-fuckers.
you are too stupid to speak in public.
no issues on this end other than small lag.
pareidolia ist.
<muh marker.
in truth _ still think don has it under control… but you are fucked in the head either way.
>… the top of the Illuminati pyramid is not PHYSICAL…
you are an idiot…
<while not being technically wrong.