>>567185 <me
>>570049 < I know that's supposed to be "the plan" however my concerns have shifted somewhat
>>814687 < not a shill or a slide, just a concerned Christian
>>815331 < not sure if I'm correct now..
Watch the vid, Peters mentions an EMP attack, we know the cabal have access to all sorts of weaponry we can only dream of - 9/11 is evidence of a directed energy weapon for example
Have any of you read Joel Richardson's "Will Islam be our future"?
http:// www.answering-islam.org/Authors/JR/Future/index.htm
http:// radicaltruth.net/uploads/pubs/WillIslamBeOurFuture.pdf
Reading the Islamic signs of the end times it seems to me that most of them have already happened
https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_eschatology
When Jesus talks of the days being shortened most end times scholars believe that to mean the length of the tribulation. What if, like the Muslims believe, the days being shortened correlates with the acceleration of time in the Islamic end times. I'm sure we can all agree time seems to be going faster nowadays, it's Easter already yet it seems like only yesterday that it was Christmas. We never seem to have any time now, like everything takes longer (or time has accelerated).
Here's what I'm thinking now, maybe Q is genuine but maybe also the cabal's last resort is said EMP attack. Thousands will die in just a few weeks of such an attack, it will affect EVERYTHING! From communications to transportation, logistics to banking, power supplies to water supplies. Nobody will be able to go anywhere because their vehicles won't work, planes will be grounded, trains halted, delivery trucks stalled, etc. Shops will run out of stock quickly and not be able to restock, people who are unprepared will starve. No power, no water, no natural gas, older vehicles might still work but the gas pumps won't work to fill them with fuel, it will be chaos!
And then Mahdi aka Antichrist…
I know Q says they're being careful but who knows what contingency plans the cabal might have put in place?
I want Q and GEOTUS to succeed but I know we're in the end times and that the tribulation is soon to be upon us, maybe Q trying to take down the cabal is the catalyst for the start of the trib?