I've felt for quite some time the Church will be leaving Rome. The Vatican is too corrupted.
9/23/17 was the sign of re-birth. Of the Church. If you run it back and forth in time thousands of years (Rev 12), the stars alignment in 2017 is the closest, by far, to Revelation 12.
I believe the White House, with Satan being thrown out, has become one of the holiest places on Earth.
The rebirth of the Church starts in America, imho.
Finally, many do not realize the importance of Mary, the Mother of God. As Christ as the 2nd Adam, Mary was the replacement Eve.
Very Important
Eve's first name was WOMAN. It was never Eve in the Garden. Read Genesis 2:23:
23 the man said:
“This one, at last, is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called ‘woman,’
for out of man this one has been taken.”
At the Fall, when GOD is handing out punishment, he also promises Adam and Women one of their descendants will come and defeat the Devil. When Adam hears this, he renames Woman to be EVE (Woman is perfect, sinless, Eve is not).
At the Wedding at Cana, Jesus refers to his Mother as Woman.
John 2:4 "Woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied
Mary is the new Woman, she has arrived, 4,000 years later just as GOD promised. Her role is to defeat the Devil.
There are prophecies, the Church will be restored, and Mary will do it. I believe the new Church will be in the United States and somehow Mary ushers this in. She is the most powerful Saint in heaven.
You are not to Worship Mary. But praise her, and praying to her is perfectly acceptable.
If you want to learn more, read about Fatima and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
The attached is said to be a photo of an apparition of Mary.