Anonymous ID: e4151b Jan. 25, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.12711578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12711440 (pb)


Comcast dropped out (again) like my 9th IP hop today, fuckers.




Simple example, pick any of the major radio shows, Limbaugh, Hannity, Mark Levin, Larry O'Conner, etc.


Call into the show in the 1st hour, when you get on the air, blurt something about exercising your second amendment. You don't have to portend violence, just 2A. You will have just highjacked the entire program for the day. They'll hang up on you, then spend the rest of program apologizing for it.


Happend w/George Floyd, Limbaugh actually called into Charlemagne the god to grovel for (who the fuck knows). Happend on Larry O'Conner, someone mentioned it's about time people push back on tyranny and consider exercising their 2A rights "Click". Happend on Levin, who must have a delay in the audio because he hung up like a ninja. But in all these cases, they went on and on and on ensuring to clarigy their stance against the use of violence.


Chris Plante though, he just laughed and told the guy, you might have some really good ideas, perhaps more people should consider that.



Anonymous ID: e4151b Jan. 25, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.12711701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1732 >>1977


That was me, Comcast dumped me, IP change.


Essentially, president of the people, gives em everything they want, returns money to a monetary standard and then the communists in the house work tirelessly to pass legislation stripping all power from the president.


That's a super rough summation but the hotel guy is from the same address as Trump, it was written over 100 years ago and same guy wrote a book about Barron Trump.


Spooky, worth a read when you have some time. Still looking for the Barron Trump book.

Anonymous ID: e4151b Jan. 25, 2021, 2:56 p.m. No.12711775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1804 >>2025


Straka has balls, he stated his case, I support his stance although he's wrong about it being patriots.


Truth, how many of us, standing that close in the chaos may have gotten caught up in the rush?


Not me, I have a broken back, I'm not running anywhere. If things were different.

Anonymous ID: e4151b Jan. 25, 2021, 3 p.m. No.12711823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, when the FBI knocks on your door, how many of you are going to ask if they've arrested HRC or Comey before you let them get one hair closer.


What's that you have a warrant? That's nice, see my entire family standing behind me strapped? Oh, you decided to show up in the AM, surprised anons sleep in shifts, saw you coming! ←True story, kids being home has made it easier to divy up the day. 24hour asshole fed lookout.