Anonymous ID: 6248be May 2, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.1271969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1999 >>2017 >>2035 >>2050


Knowing what you know now.

re: Israel disclosure moments ago.




You lost me there Q. ISRAEL??? WTF??? They bomb and sniper the (((chemical attack))) site so the inspectors can't get in to verify ANYTHING! Now they bomb the shit out of Syria/Iran "nuke" sites —again, can anyone get in there to verify ANYTHING Israel is saying??? Hell NO. So Bibi give a Steve Jobs style dog and pony show with pictures of buildings and file cabinets and CDs!!!??? WTF? WOW — so convincing!? what? Wasn't Bibi getting arrested last month for corruption?? Come-on! Israel? YOU want us to TRUST ISRAEL??? Jesus-F-Christ - either Q Trip code has been compromised or we have been led like sheeps to the slaughter. To top it off we have all the Youtube-Qanon Fags cheering for BIBI!??? Wake UP Patriots. This is COMPETELY F'd.