Anonymous ID: cca762 May 2, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.1271807   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look at the Jew desperately trying to make pardon for Israel and it's crimes.


This is like a convicted murder saying, "Yeah, but I'm college educated and speak several languages. You can't convict me!"


Lol… Go back to your stolen Palestinian lands, faggot.

Anonymous ID: cca762 May 2, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.1272011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028

(556) [Jewish man tagged the French word for jews "juif" in spray paint around the of Marseille, France.] ( ([Archive] ( 11/15/2017


(554) [Black man spray painted "Go home nigger boy", "Whites only", a backward swastika and other slurs on his own car at Kansas State University.] ( ([Archive] ( 11/1/2017


(549) [Black cadet at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO was responsible for racist graffiti which read "Go home nigger" near the dorms of five black students. Investigators found he did it to get out of trouble relating to other misconduct at the school.] ( ([Archive] ( 9/25/2017


(531) [Antifa members posed as free speech supporters giving the Hitler salute during a rally at University of California, Berkeley.] ( ([Archive] ( 4/20/2017


(523) [Diversity Leadership Council at Adolphus College spread hateful flyers around campus, blaming white people, in an effort to spread "awareness".] ( ([Archive] ( 3/24/2017


(522) [Jewish Israeli behind dozens of threats against Jewish centers across America.] ( ([Archive] ( 3/23/2017


(505) [Jewish man spray painted swastikas on his home in Schenectady, New York.] ( ([Archive] ( 2/10/2017


(503) [Emails which contained racist and anti-Semitic language coming from a professor at the University of Michigan were actually spoofed.] ( ([Archive] ( 2/8/2017


(494) [Jewish liquor store owner claimed his store was robbed, set on fire, and had anti-Jewish graffiti spray panted on it. Police later found out he staged the entire event.] ( ([Archive] ( 1/21/2017


(484) [Story about a Jewish family in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania having to leave their home due to accusations that they were responsible for cancelling a Christian play was false.] ( ([Archive] ( 12/22/2016


(481) [Non-white man drew swastikas across Nassau Community College, press blamed it on Trump election.] ( ([Archive] ( 12/16/2016


(478) [Son of Sopranos actor whose family leans Democrat spray painted swastikas on the campus of SUNY Purchase. ] ( ([Archive] ( 12/8/2016


(449) [Gay Canadian Comedian Chris Ball lied about being beaten by Trump supporters outside of a bar.] ( ([Archive] ( 11/8/2016


(447) [Black man burned black church and spray painted "Vote Trump" on it one week before the election.] ( ([Archive] ( 11/1/2016


(439) [Man who went on a shooting rampage in Houston, Texas while wearing a Nazi uniform was actually naturalized citizen from India and had helped found a chapter of a Jewish fraternity.] ( ([Archive] ( 9/26/2016


It goes on and on… These people don't care if you're a good or bad person. They will make you out to be a racist-devil, by any means necessary.

Anonymous ID: cca762 May 2, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.1272028   🗄️.is 🔗kun

