Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 5:55 p.m. No.12713889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3980

>>12713510 lb

it's all good

it all so personal in a way

like i just want people to start digging

like "hey, there is gold in this language thing"

and then it is hard to stop.

it all spread out and meets up in the middle somewhere

ty though

i aint worried

i get it

for now

we all have more to learn

but those with base understanding of language

need to be educating instead of picking up fun facts in my opinion

it is fascinating

but i want to get everyone looking at language and stuff

vs. finding out all the secrets myself.

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:02 p.m. No.12713980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this is kinda interested

i used a calculation

based on most commonly used letters in the english dictionary

and it spit out this list of words

the ones that literally came out are on the left

but i was able to google all

and found meaning


i tried to translate the meaning on google

to something significant

it is all conceptual, i mean

there is no translation

but i would think something like this is interesting enough

for cruising the possibility


seriously. when covid 19 happened

it started translating that the chinese elders were doing it and stuff

it was strange


it seems like a horoscope or i-ching

you have derive meaning out it

but there is something to it

but if you take nothing from it

it is meaningless

eh. whatever

i got a strange set of words i mathematically generated, re-arranged the anagram, and formed a list of words.


crazy kinda, like the first one is shone. i think

sun, light, god, brahma, cow<egypt glyph>


ancient egypt A = cow

weird list of words A = shone

do they relate?

so i find relation between sun and cow.

with the Son and the Brahma.

who knows america

just babbling

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:09 p.m. No.12714081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

it becomes okay tho

we are all programming or "handling" eachother

all the time

really i call it synchronization

yea! synchronize on the importance of language

you see how I am able to be aware that I want you to agree with my value of how important language is?

i can identify my goal in my words

i am eager for you all to love language as much as me

i mean no harm

so there is a difference in programming and telling people something you are excited about

but … it reality..

all language is programming your neighbor to by synchronized with your perspective

it is how reality is established or consented upon


here is a question

if a cow has always been a cow

can we decide name a cow a brick?


can we decide, as a society, a cow is no longer a cow, but a brick?


i don't think so personally.

cause it has different meaning that is deeper than just "ok, let's do that"

it has a unconcious, sub concious neuro-circuitry associated with each symbol.



how it a rite and right and write different in writing. different glyphs/letters, different meaning stored based on each letter concept.


but if i say <rightit just one sound, unless i apply context



how deeply stored are words in the brain?


can we just… change it around… cause we want to? or is language deeper than that?

is it immutable?

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:11 p.m. No.12714099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4101 >>4110 >>4123 >>4270

funny cause

what people call my bad


is them too lol

i dunno.

what is punctuation.

check this out.

what happens if i take each glyph p-e-r-i-o-d

and put them into the [.] symbol.


have I encapsulated the entire word period into a single symbol called a punctuation mark?

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:17 p.m. No.12714166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4214







these are meaningful symbols

you have

consonant - object

vowel - energy / spirit

punctuation - condensed complex glyph

or you could expound on the issue with a comma.

what is a comma?

i can look it up right now, probably a pause right. but why a c-o-m-m-a

probably communication- A

or can translate that way.

i will find out if i am


and leave my hypothesis regardless


good find


there is no punctuation in Old English

very little

i picked up something here

the word "and"

had a symbol that was 7

which is wild cause 7 is important


what if i spelled wild like whild?

i started to, why did i typo that?

how would that change the meaning?

would it?

if i take the word wild

and the ancient glyph <h>

how would that alter the interpretation or symbolic meaning in the subconscious


A symbol that looked like the number "7" was used to represent the common word "and"

Runes were rarely used instead of the entire word that they were named after

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:21 p.m. No.12714214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


how i do it easy though


is know the A is special

so i can look etymology of comm

From Middle English communicacion, from Old French communicacion, from Latin commūnicātiōnem, accusative singular of commūnicātiō (“imparting, communicating”), from commūnicō (“I share, I impart”).


and my understand of A

familyA = 2 parent lines, one child line = FAMILY A


So a comma basically, without any real understanding means


(“I share, I impart”). - <my family>

i share my family

i share my families ideas

i share my families labor

it really gets tricky

what is it you are to share or impart on behalf of your family?


what does a comma have to do with it?


like I said what I need to say, but my family is going to impart more on you.


a comma is really, like a declaration too..

like LOOK

i got more to say!

it is a mark that shows expounding.


comma = comet = shape of glyph

-side thought.

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:25 p.m. No.12714270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4372


You can do another interesting think to drive meaning.





how does this change or help see how words change meaning


when did Mr Cook become the guy who works as a Cook that does the act of cooking for all the cooks? or is he cooking up an idea? or a magic spell?


you have to see ALL applications and you can kinda start to see, not perfect, but how original meaning can get lost.


people used to just be where they lived and stuff, like the Moors lived in that areas

or the bakers probably baked


so it wasn't too long ago it started to become confusing


the people became the individual doing a specific action which became the word for anyone performing the action and sometimes the product of the action.


I have heard food called Cook, like another word for grub.

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:35 p.m. No.12714372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4457


I am going to tell you how to program.



it ain't programming

but it is

if you do it bad okay.


if i want you to do something

I want to create and "I" statement


if I saying "i feel happy"

could that make you feel happy too?

if i say "i want you to feel happy"

you could be more resistant to happiness


so… if I am gonna go dig on a topic, and I want everyone here to dig on something

I could say..

"hey everyone, i got a dig, come look at this, hurry"

but everyone would probably blow me off

what if i just said

"I think I am going to dig on something productive"

i might inspire someone

how about

"I think i am going to dig on something about the socialists"

i have less chance to inspire someone

but if i do

i am getting targetted





Do you want to dig?


try this

due, you want to dig.


okay… so what.

how did the puncuation change that from a question to a declaration, also know as an <imperativestatement.


how does punctuation and words come though in language?

it is context

you can tell by my words i am asking a question


so. you just need to see.

this question…

Do you want to dig?

is the same in speech

regardless of "tone" or intended punctuation

you might call it a imperative declaration disguised as a question.

… leading questions

very powerful form of mind control.

if i can ask you a question

that leads you towards generating a conclusion

but you think you "came up with it"

but i actually led you there on purpose

that is a form of control

the power of suggestion


it is all clear in all the writing and data

but the emphasis is wrong

you undervalue the language

so if you start to see how powerful it really is…. you think.

and consider



like it will be normal I think

like if i am talking to my friends..

a joke could be, like if i was talking about something

my friend could say "are you trying to program me?"

and i would laugh

no no no, but i will shutup

i would take it as a joke

jokes are funny, cause they direct in their own way. they invite to in-group or shun from ingroup. teasing vs. bully.


if you constantly said i was programming you everytime i spoke

i would think you are a fool

and tell you to shut up

these are words

do you speak american

i really don't like english

that is the confusing english stuff

american is common sense english.


due, you want to dig.

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.12714441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i do want to know a <G>


that is how this started for me.

here are notes i had from the beginning, brainstorming

always keep this stuff

cause look what i found

relevant stuff

so, i can explain what I mean by this mater-slave language thing

different letters/glyphs have relationship to certain genetic populations


like who were the lions, the owls, the vultures, and the little chick, the snake?


all animals in the glyph systems of egypt


who are these "spirit animal" genetics?

the wise old owl?

the powerful lion?


you see.

some letters/glyphs relate to genetics

so you are actually talking about

another race

in some words

anyway. we are all kinda mis-matched and intermixed genetically, especially in america


but these ancient bloodline relationship are still "installed" in the language

just as deep

as dark/light or east/west

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:41 p.m. No.12714452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4481



oops forgot note

old stuff. but i think it is good

my first brainstorm. maybe good for your first brainstorm too


Anyway. I started doing some research on the alphabet The letter G struck me because it seemed to masculine and feminine at the same time. I wanted to know why. The letter G is also part of freemasonry.

The letter G is represented by birds in egyptian hieroglyphs. Autism… I googled Thoth. Sure enough! Thoth's wife, Seshat, “scribed” the alphabet. So what does the alphabet inherently say? Is an (O)feminine because it looks like a womb and is an (I) masculine because it is phallic?


Sooo n e way. My point being. The alphabet seems militaristic, uses both he/she pronouns, polytheistic. -female oriented. It is written by a woman and her bias is embedded.

The three words I have for the letter G so far are Thine, Norah, Nasho.

-Thine = Yours'

-Norah = Woman of Honor

-Nasho = Military or Noahs = Ship.


So, G is like the WARship or WORship of a military in her honor? An honorable vessel? A womb? Or an ark?


Annother example of bias written into the alphabet…

C, K, X are all related to the word Nashi, which are Chinese people. Those letters are “aggressive”. It appears the Chinese people are aggressive towards the Egyptians, or vice-versa. It is part of their alphabet.

Anonymous ID: bcae99 Jan. 25, 2021, 6:44 p.m. No.12714481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oh yea.




the girls wrote the words

the men speak the words


there is a bias in it

how do you right about men, without writing the other.

or do you just say "I am the other, and they are the other"

or "I am the woman, and that is the man"

you see above bias

it seems true for author to say this

but over time

it becomes ingrained in the language somehow



English is bias language. You can't get rid of it.


It was written by a white-woman.


A rich white woman.


ya'll are speaking an elite language of an ancient matriarch.