so this is good
this is red
this is a gang, or low level factory style.
the is an educated boomer or millineal
did boomer and millinial recieve the same education?
you see
it describes multiple groups
but i am just trying to focus on some major ones
blue is weird to me cause my parents were orange.
some people have green parents, or hippie parents, and they don't understand why all the people with orange parents are different. okay.
i have orange parents but many of you have blue parents
you come from the country or something
many of your parents may still be blue
or many they watch fox news
isn't that interesting how the mockingbird has brought your parents, the country folk, the fox news people, from a blue into an orange?
I talk to my aunt, she regurgitates fox news at me.
she is highly educated on the issues
knows all the talking points, the players, the evidence
she can tell me more about the flynn and strozk and all that than i could tell you. they are becoming more informed, getting healthier. okay. do you see it now?
blue may also be some business, but i can't really put my finger on anything but like hobby lobby, but that isn't quite right either, it is more like.. i don't know. look up a blue country, it will be religous oriented. a church is usually operating at a blue. but it could easily operate at an orange if they all started a charity together. you see?
if they all get together after church and have potlocks and see the movies together they may form a green group that wants to tell more people about the power of community and Christ.
it doesn't happen much, i am just showing you some ideas.
okay. this stuff is kinda raw.
i know.
i just decided the best way to approach, human development, was from the most broad lens that I could. This is science.
–side note, advanced study. each level is like a chakra in the organism. you need each organization level operation to some degree. however, you can get this from nation state difference <ORwhat is proper. There is a path through life in which you climb through these different experiences in a way that is "normal" and not considered religion or spirituality or understanding. Ultimately, I personally believe that you climb through the game of the civilizations' Elders and when you get to the top there is a prize, you die, and meet the Lord. I imagine he tells you that you are bad. You should probably not argue. Okay. It is what it is. I just am speaking Cabal Satanism to you. Is that clear? I am using their stuff. I won't be doing this shit with my life. I don't want to talk about people as numbers and levels. It makes me feel.. uncomfortable. People will do it, but if people are gonna do it, and the criminals know about this stuff, the whole world ought to know what they have. It is in plain sight. It is just so well disguised, that only the level 8 turqoise googlehead techno guru know about it.
I swear those green social justice mob is gonna be so mad when someone elses, "gives them the key", to Tier 2 and they get fucking hella pissed at their… leaders…. who are sneaking around keeping them at <level 6 mob<brainwash status>
okay. they are gonna come out of that shit and turn into happy environmentalist [7], just like some of you did Patriot [7] or are just entering patriot [7] from brainwash-ville Trumpo-bot-6000
okay. it looks rude i know
trust me
when you see it right
it don't matter
like. i would hate to have a micro-dick or something
but yea, vibrations are like genitals
everyone's got some
but we kinda keep them in our pants
the cabal is filming everyone's vibrational genitals cause apparently there are no 4th ammendment provisions for the issue. i am sure there will be
and people will sign on the dotted line for not personalized workplace survellience.
people don't care if zuckerbitch can see their stupid energy flow.
they are gonna sign the dotted line
leave me out of it.