Anonymous ID: 47bbbc Jan. 25, 2021, 10:19 p.m. No.12716669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6747

This was never about a damn Virus. This never was about protecting people medically. This wasn't even about a Pandemic…This was a Plandemic of Treasonous and Epidemic proportions in order to remove a Legitimately and Constitutionally Elected President to which is still President. The damned Media aka Fake News played a huge role and part in this Criminal Conspiracy. Each and every Talking Head committed Treason & Sedition. THEY KNOWINGLY committed themselves to Rebellion and Insurrection. Their main goal was to subdue and ravage our Nation with their Criminal Thugs of Antifa and BLM. They even Infiltrated many Law Enforcement Departments, Town and City Councils, and Mayors, and even at the many State Levels as well with their Evil Agendas and Propaganda. They simply hated ONE MAN, just as much as their generation counter-parts hated Jesus Christ. Donald John Trump stood in the way and will continue to stand in the way of their Evil Agendas. These Criminal Activities shall not stand. Real True Justice shall prevail. It's now time that Lady Justice throw down those Scales and get to swinging her Sword of Justice upon the necks of all who are involved. Do we really desire to be and to remain Free? Do we really desire to witness the Death of our Republic? IF We do not, then We All must STAND UP TOGETHER AS ONE, in ONE VOICE, LOUDLY PROCLAIM…that WE ARE…SILENT NO MORE!