Anonymous ID: 63aefe Jan. 25, 2021, 10:58 p.m. No.12716915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6933


>1. Bidan sworn in 14 minutes early and before Kamala Harris.

peanuts, doesn't matter


>2. Trump leaves on AF1. Bidan flies small private jet.

noting special


>3. Cloudy day on the 20th, live inauguration bright and sunny. Shown in Europe 12 hours early live.

doesn't mean its everywhere the same


>4. Kamala living in some other house other than the VP residence.

who cares, doesn't matter


>5. Bogus CGI extravagant fireworks display that never happened, clearly fake.

so what


>6. Roy Blunt with his hands behind his back while being escorted out of the Capitol.

doesn't say much


>7. Pelosi being told not to talk to anyone by some strange woman with a badge on the 20th.

could mean thuosend things


>8. 30k troops for a non violent virtual inauguration. With 5k there in DC until mid march with still no violence.

because otherwhise shit had hit the fan


>9. The White House going pitch black each night with a strange structure being built directly in front of it.



>10. Oval office that Bidan is signing pretend orders in completely different from real one.

doesn't mean anything


>11. No secret service snipers on the White House roof.

you sure


>12. No secret service call box on his Bidan's desk.

you sure


>13. Bidan locked out of the White House on the first day.

you sure


>14. Joe Bidan's executive order signatures don't match his actual signature.

he is old


>15. A 2nd set of nuclear codes left with Trump on his way out.

there are two sets, one gets deactivated…. come on anon


>16. Hunter Biden to lead the DEA.

thats how it is


>17. Trump says he'll be back in some form, then files for a new political party several days later.

as the office of the former president


anon, to get thinks right you have to take both consideration into account and not just go blind with a onesided mind, thats only what schizos do.

Anonymous ID: 63aefe Jan. 25, 2021, 11:03 p.m. No.12716945   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you only want to see things that fits your narrative, confirmation bias.

you have to, no matter what, see both sides of the coin.

So when you make a list like this >>12716870 make sure you cover the other possibilities too.