Anonymous ID: 674a36 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:55 p.m. No.12716504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6560

So far, the CORRUPTED by JEWS SCOTUS has not decided if they are going to hear TRUMP'S case against the PSYCHOPATHIC JEW Boockvar, in spite of the fact that all responses were due last Friday, January 22, where most lawfags were expecting to hear fro the SCOTUS as to Yea or Nay, by to day of they were going to hear the case.

It is still up in the air, as Roberts, the jew controlled PEDO is in charge.

[If only Trump were jew-wise, he could have avoided this misery, but that is BOOMER water under the bridge.]

Where does this leave us?

Well, if the SCOTUS does the right thing, they will hear the case. DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH. Jews have compromised all of them.

Where does this leave us???

Once the SCOTUS fails to live up to their duty, the military is the only option. They are the last line of defense. I would not put all my faith in the military, as most of the top brass are bribed and blackmailed by the NATION SUBVERTING JEWS. The top brass is owned, lock, stock, and barrel.

That's the situation as it stands today, January 25, 2012.

Anonymous ID: 674a36 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.12716639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the way I see it. Feel free to disagree, any "yell" at me.

I think that the military is trying to allow the stupid cunts to do the right thing. (That is, allow the supreme court to hear the case and make the right decision.)

And if the SCOTUS fails, well, the military, that seems to be occupying Washington DC will have no choice other than to step in and end the nightmare.

That is what I think.

And, so long as the military has not sided with the DARK SIDE, they will live up to their duty. If not???

Well, we all learn Mandarin, get sex changes, and learn to enjoy eating bugs while feminists and Tranny's tell us how to live out lives.

But, again, that is my interpretation.

What do you really think?

Anonymous ID: 674a36 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:49 p.m. No.12716861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last thought before I sign out.

If the jews didn't believe Trump was a threat to them, they would not be in PANIC MODE concerning impeaching him. They would let him be.

Don't forget, DC is occupied by the military ( I have no idea why, but Trump ordered it), and there are still 2000 NG that have been sworn in as Federal Marshals.

BTW, Federal Marshals are like the queen on the chessboard. They can arrest senators, congresscunts and presidents. It is their jurisdiction. They are still there, and they have orders to stay until at least mid March 2021.

Whenever jews, and their minions panic, that is always a good sign.

How does this turn out?

who knows, but as long as the military occupies DC, and the jews in congress and the senate continue to panic, along with their jews on CNN, I have hope that this FUCKING JEW INDUCED NIGHTMARE will be over soon.