Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.12716256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6262 >>6296 >>6373



This is who taught me spiral dynamics.

I don't really know who the dude is.

I know he is kinda famous.

I don't give his character credit, I do not know him.

I only properly state my references for my understanding. I never studied Ken Wilbur or anything. I read the book and knew what it was. I was studying human development from several perspectives.


this is a random copy of my bookshelf at the time. it was more of a multi-author deal, but I chose spiral dynamics because i was more cabal minded 10 years ago.


I later found it was actually like THE CABAL model, not just a strange corporate spiritual program.


anyway. i am competing with the turquose google head guru [8] cause they are fighting the Qresearch [9] for control of a vulnerable qresearch Patriot [7].


Qresearch [9] is trying to get Patriot [7] attention to bring you to Qresearch [9] and seize power from Googlehead Guru [8].


Then we can focus on bringing all the rest the memes into [7][8][9]


if you are one of these people 7. 8. 9


look at what i call each level



just get the information

look at how they are operating

see how they do it wrong

and operate correct



move up if you self identify as Patriot [7]



Qresearch [9] are Operators

Googlehead [8] are Cabal

Patriot [7] is Qresearch Awesome People. Dig, meme, pray.

Social Justice [6] is the progressive mob.

Trump-Bot [5] is the twitter MAGA folks.

[4][3]etc do not worry

the major ones in america are listed above

unless you are looking at nation states, churches, schools, or individual personal development,


there are exceptions but those are your basic players


that is the war


it is not a game.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:31 p.m. No.12716296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6312


it is funny

cause it is pretty easy stuff

it looks a bit complex

it is

but a basic understanding of matching colors and numbers to types of people in America

is pretty straightforward


ohhh jeez. the American people are gonna be pissed about this one.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:33 p.m. No.12716312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6334


i promise

once you see

the way they are enslaving the human with their model of the soul

they are using satan science to manipulate your souls vibration to make you a better producer for their off-shore accounts..


this is not gonna make people happy

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:34 p.m. No.12716334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6398


the cabal will normalize it and make it okay

but it will be public

it just wont go away

but wise people know

those are bad people

cause the Lord didn't make you to labor for a corporation, he made you to find him and stuff

maybe that is my opinion

i don't want to project my faith

while i am talking satan science

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:42 p.m. No.12716398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6413



I have a proper lineage.

I must establish

it is part of my responsibility to inform you

of my teachers

I am the disciple of Paramahensa Yoganda, his teacher is Shyama Charan Lahiri


I do not know my elder teacher well. My teacher is Paramahensa, but my Ancient is Lahiri.


I do not even know the full name before a google search. I only know Lahiri.


Okay. I am like a Vedic Christian

i did a google search

i dont see much

here is a few links

anyway, some old Indian saints brought me the Lord.

i know it sounds strange, but check it out

i am gonna check out the first one. it sounds interesting. I did see one article about it, it is surely a thing. You see, I don't have to look. I don't know anything about Vedic Christianity. I just know these Gurus from India brought me to the Lord. It is okay, I know the facts are in the articles. Why would they not be? I don't know what they say… but I can't imagine it is counter to my heart's understanding of the situation.


Lahiri was the family name of Shyama Charan Lahiri (1828-1895). Mahasaya, a Sanskrit religious title, means "large-minded." Lahiri Mahasaya was a disciple of Mahavatar Babaji, and the guru of Swami Sri Yukteswar (Paramahansa Yogananda's guru). Lahiri Mahasaya was the one to whom Babaji revealed the ancient, almost-lost science of Kriya Yoga (q.v.). A Yogavatar ("Incarnation of Yoga"), he was a seminal figure in the renaissance of yoga in modern India who gave instruction and blessing to countless seekers who came to him, without regard to caste or creed. He was a Christlike teacher with miraculous powers; but also a family man with business responsibilities, who demonstrated for the modern world how an ideally balanced life can be achieved by combining meditation with right performance of outer duties. Lahiri Mahasaya's life is described in Autobiography of a Yogi. – Read more:

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:44 p.m. No.12716420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

anyway i found a language tidbit in one of those articles.


All Languages Broken Bits of Sanskrit


Masses of people fleeing and settling down in different regions carried with them fleeting memories of the chaste Sanskrit that their ancestors spoke.


But they themselves, bereft of any formal education for generations, continued speaking progressively distorted Sanskrit according to regional mannerisms.


Thus people who flocked to the British Isles, Greece, Arabia, Tamilnadu, Bengal, China, Japan etc. evolved their own broken forms of Sanskrit.


That is how every language emerged out of Sanskrit.


That is the basic explanation for the common thread running through all languages and shades of language changing every 20 miles or so.


Contrarily the current view that the blabber of cave-men arising from the imitation of birds and beasts led to diverse modern languages, that modern languages may be categorized as Semetic, Indo-European etc.; that Sanskrit, Latin and Greek and collateral descendants of some unknown parent language is all sheer speculation.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.12716442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6465

people won't understand the reinstatement of the rights of the wisdom class


you dont understand

we are a people

and we are pissed off

shut up


or you will eat shit later

i wont hear it then

i will be flying around meeting cool people all over the world taking mushrooms learning some new universal way of life

and you can have a record for your children of how stupid their forefathers were

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:49 p.m. No.12716465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6486



i am being honest

these people are gonna look back

and their children are gonna figure out they were like loyalists to the baby-fuckers

cause they were here shilling me for talking about the structure of the Cabal of the british crown.


do you see how i take away their proper name? it is a huge deal. It is super super disrespectful to Elites to dispect a proper name.


you see why?


you <spellit wrong

they hate the magic behind it

they lose the proper authority of The Crown and just become the crown.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:53 p.m. No.12716486   🗄️.is 🔗kun



an Authority can inscribe importance or unimporance to spirituality or god concepts by ephasizing God. If someone is going to say God, I always want to know who their God is, but if they say god, i usually don't worry. Because, I sometimes say God, but I know what that means, sometimes other people say it and they mean Earth. I will capitilze Earth. It is proper. However, it is just contextual. If someone is going to tell me they have a proper God, I want to make sure we are both talking about the Lord, or I want to know another word for their God, so I can better understand their perspective.


Let me ask you.


What would happen if everyone started capitalizing Respect and Family and Patriot or Citizen. How do these new proper names impact our association with they proper linguistic authority?

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:55 p.m. No.12716507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6533 >>6577 >>6803


i try. i am sorry.

i am just so in outer space right now

i write forever, and then the bread is over, so i copy and paste, and forget to go up and lb/pb and then it is too late, and then i am just the idiot trying to correct something that can't really be fixed.


sorry bout thhat

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10 p.m. No.12716535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6641

Have you ever considered that you might be able to stabilize a new fiat currency with a council based on proper principles of balance?


You could start the new currency.


You don't need Gold if you have principles of Balance and practice organization neutrality.


I am not going to get into because it requires active participation and this is not a good platform because you kinda need to see who the buyers/selling/products are in your new economy. Just realize how… fucked up your credit rating is. I am not joking.


I don't really want to back it with hard currency. I want a new federal reserve.

You need federal reserve because it is the only way to adjust the rates in a competitive fashion against BRICS nations. However, the orders for internal adjustment of the federal reserve can come from a council of sorts. Credit rating will go up with a more stable management of our interest rates and inflation.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:04 p.m. No.12716565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6590

shit is funny though

i am like the destroyer

i am just a kid right

and i do a little of everything

but my function is to destroy the middle man

between man and god

abolish the guru

abolish the preacher

i heard they are all life coaches!



it just is.

you want to talk to god

don't use people or models and shit

go read the Bible.


it is just that you need someone to come fuck up shit for all the people using spirituality and religion and god and the Bible and all this crap to manipulate people and steal their souls for hookers, private jets, and offshore accounts.

Game over.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:08 p.m. No.12716590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i am destroyer of authority and I come to install the more official Authority.


it is like controlled demolition of a old world

and poof

you build a new world

it takes some time

but the rubble will be cleared

and a foundation laid

and the beams will go up

and you keep the israeli art students out

and then the walls

and goes on

and the new world order will be complete

it will be very awesome

in hundreds and hundreds of years it will suck some more

and then it will get better

and it will do that

forever and ever

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:18 p.m. No.12716662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6706

i know some people get it

some don't

its okay

i am working real hard right now

i been working real hard a couple weeks

these things are hard on me

my house is a wreck

and i don't have time to cook

i need to plant for spring

i just bought cyberpunk 2077

i was playing call of duty

i built a new gaming PC

i was off the Q

can you all believe that?

the dude sitting here telling you

all this shit

and i trust the plan more.

had given up on al this

i gave up

i come around

but i gotta pay for a VPN

soo.. whatever.

sometimes i would dip out.

nobody really got my memes

i feel different now

like i am more clear.


so maybe you will find these more interesting since you know more about letters and symbols


meaningless, but they are like how i express myself.

the blue one is a key shape.

the Y and E. it represents branching from the source, you see how the E creates a 3-way branch. anyway.


the red one is a gold cross. it is made of AU


and the last one was just a thing i did. it is nothing really

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:26 p.m. No.12716706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6716 >>6761


Does anyone know an interpretation of the swatztica symbol they would like to share before I offer the answer


i don't mean to be cocky. I am serious. It is not a white supremacy issue. I have known for a while. I just checked wiki. I got confirmation of my answer, but I did not see my conclusion. If you would like to tell me why the swatztica is meaningful and what the symbol means, let me know real quick. Otherwise, I may have a good answer for the meaning behind the symbol, or what it says.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:33 p.m. No.12716757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6796




Entropy I think

I read a book called binding chaos

the book wasn't something terribly memorable

but the title was, it made sense

the order in chaos is bound into some perfect state that the fancy people call entropy

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:36 p.m. No.12716781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I never looked into a swatztica. I just saw it one day cause my great grandma traveled and she had a spoon collection I inherited. It was a straight up and down one. All her spoons were pretty old so they didn't have the name of places on them or famous monuments.

So I never knew where it came from and I wasn't a nazi, so I just always wondered a bit.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:38 p.m. No.12716798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I will tell you

my idea

for symbol of

what I think represents chaos in symbol

I will tel you why I think the swatztica represents peace

before the end of the bread

unless someone wants more time


i got keys and stuff maybe

maybe i am a nutjob

maybe you won't agree with what I post but I can almost 100% guarantee I am right about the swatztica.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:43 p.m. No.12716827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it is sooo great

i am like a ex-social justice warrior progressive that is sitting on the neo-nazi sight talking about the nazi sign. It is fine though. I make sense on the issue and give a more scientific perspective of some of this stuff.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 10:45 p.m. No.12716843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6962

haha. this is the best sauce I have had all week for anything I say.




If I can properly tell you why the swatztica means peace. You all gotta give me some Q-cred. How do I get street cred for my sauce, so I can sauce all my dry noodles I been leaving around with it.

Anonymous ID: a79b00 Jan. 25, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.12716962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is a big deal to me.

Who profits from what I tell you?

If it isn't on wiki.

should I put it there?

I live on federal disability.

I am asking you the question I was forced to consider.

How do I generate income for my labor?

Is this labor?

If I tell you why the swatztica means peace and satisfy you to a point of consensus?

Should I be paid?

Not by you, but.. through some mechanism of society.

This is not the plan.

This is something different.

Is it valuable?

My dad wrote algorithms into special websites.

The problems were not solvable.

They were "community problems"

He offered several solutions that exceeded the current best "community solution".

I wonder sometimes.

Who was profiting from my dad's work on heuristic algorithms?

My dad had entered every zip code in the nation into software and was running the traveling salesman problem for the trucking industry.

He was running heuristic algorithms with every zip code in America. It developed from there. This was before google maps. My dad was using what he called "fuel surcharge programs" for the trucking industry. He was trying to convince the truckers to stop using their favorite stops with the best shower and use his program. He told me he could save a lot of money. He told my he could reduce fuel costs by numbers than would blow your mind. He called it the pony express. It used the model of the pony express and completely re-worked the trucking industry to end the problems with long haul trucking. It ran short, day long routes back and forth between hubs. It is pretty similar to what has come about with all the parcel services, but it is not reflected in the trucking industry yet. My dad started on punch cards and really valued his data system and mechanism for low processing high function heuristic algorithm. I do not know math. I trust my father. He was very smart. My father told me he invented power steering before they came out with it, so what, shit happens. Anyway. He tinkered and did stuff. He didn't do those algorithms on those "fun" websites to contribute to the corporate algorithm or something.

I don't know. I told my dad once. He just informed me that if someone was using his work that they would pay him for it. Either way. So what. What if my dad didn't do anything?

What if they have been doing this to my family for 2 generations?

It is personal.

You see that car?

My dad was rich.

He owned parts of companies and stuff.

Had massive speaker systems and projection style T.V. way back when.

He was big pimpin'

What happened?

Why did he die working in an office for a trucking company?

Am I some kind of fool?

Society thinks me and my father ought labor on their behalf?

Or are my claims of intellectual property as valid form of human trafficking possible?

Why wouldn't they do it?

those were his early horse racing programs

he was super proud

you could bet and stuff

it was early stuff.

easy now,

but his knowledge from working with punch cards at printing presses let him do good algorithm programs I guess. That is how I interpreted his life.