Anonymous ID: b62624 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:18 p.m. No.12716193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6200 >>6383

If you regret your Biden vote now, you can go pound "tar" sand


This weekend, I was reveling in the stories about how many people and organizations who voted for Biden are already furious with him because-nothing-he did last week was anything that Americans wanted done- aside from a sliver of people in left wing special interest groups.


I said last week: in this instance more than any other-Americans are going to be furious with Joe Biden and the democrats because Biden-did not-run in an agenda. Most Americans were led to believe that he just…wasn’t trump…


But he was also a moderate, so it was safe to vote for him. Those of us on the right tried to warn everyone. But -by definition ‘low information’ voters aren’t listening to talk radio or following along-


And so all sorts of Americans are going to feel-really burned- as Joe Biden and his team rush ahead with all sorts of executive orders that fulfill narrow promises that they quietly made to special interest groups over the last two years…but joe didn’t actually run on.


For example- Joe promised the pro-illegal crowd amnesty for all. But he didn’t run on it.


Joe promised the eco-idiots that he’d cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and ban fracking on federal lands-but he didn’t really run on it.


None of these things he’s doing now were-ever-really promoted as ‘Biden’s agenda’.


They were promises made to special interest groups-when they asked: yes, yes, we’ll put men and boys into women’s locker rooms yes, yes…


They told the transgendered activists when asked about it-


But Biden never really-ran- on any of this stuff.


And so, as he spent his first few days in office paying back all of these interest groups…all sorts of idiot Biden voters were shocked and surprised to learn what they’d voted for.


And I say-good. Let the idiots suffer.


It is the only way they are going to learn their lesson.


And let’s get to just some of the people and organizations who are-really-PO’d– starting with labor and construction unions’


As -literally- Joe Biden’s first act as president- he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline permit at the border….probably killing off that project forever.


And in doing so-he killed off about 11-thousand jobs immediately…and about 60-thousand jobs over the course of the project.


On Joe Biden’s -first day in office- he killed off 60-thousand jobs. But tell me again how he’s going to run a superior economy to trumps?


And about 40-thousand of those 60-thousand jobs were going to be very good paying union jobs. And so the union leaders who poured tens of millions of dollars into the Biden and democrat campaign coffers are furious.


Good-bleep ‘em.


That laborer’s international union endorsed Joe Biden, too.


They get what they deserve. They reap what they sew.


And as a guy who has been advocating for that pipeline and advocating for those tens of thousands of jobs for a decade-


My position now is- bleep ‘em. They and most of their idiot members voted for Biden and a straight-line democrat ticket. So they get what they deserve.



Anonymous ID: b62624 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:19 p.m. No.12716200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6202 >>6226 >>6541



And am going to feel bad for- no one-who put themselves out of work because they either believed Biden and democrat lies…or because they were too bleeping stupid to follow along.


You brought this on yourself- eat it.


That includes the 54 percent of voters in New Mexico who voted for Biden…and the democrat leaders in that state who are now all shocked and appalled that Biden’s ban on oil permits and fracking on federal lands is going to gut the way their state funds their schools and public programs.


Governor Grisham is a liberal…and was one of the women who was on Joe Biden’s short list of possible running mates…and so she can go and pound sand now.


I hope the voters of New Mexico tie her to Joe Biden and voter her out of office at their next possible opportunity.


This woman could have been on Biden’s ticket. The moment he won…he ‘effed’ their state….which is already impoverished and struggling.


Good. I wish only hardship on the state of New Mexico, now. They get what they deserve.


And I’m serious.


What are we conservatives fighting for-if the people in America’s blue states are so bleeping stupid that they’ll just keep voting for more and more harm and poverty and misery upon themselves.


Why even have elections, if half of the country is too bleeping stupid to participate intelligently?


Governor Gresham now hides in her office.




The idiot.


Next-we move to Utah-where the Ute Indian tribe is furious with Biden’s move to ban fossil fuel activity on federal lands….because….gee…that’s a good chunk of the tribe’s fortune.


Again. Good. Bleep em.


This is an all-out assault on America’s energy sector and on American energy independence-and no one asked for it.


80 percent of Americans never asked for this, and wouldn’t support it. But Joe Biden-when none of their low information voters were paying attention-because they are all idiots-


Biden made a promise to the eco-zealots. And he didn’t whisper. The rest of us heard it, and talked about it, and put out the alarm bells on it but….democrat voters are so glaringly stupid. Such mindless morons…that they weren’t paying attention.


And I’ll include anyone who voted for Joe Biden across the country who voted for Joe Biden who thought he’d be better than Donald Trump…and didn’t know what they were in for: bleep all of you-and I hope all of you lose your jobs.


Honestly- I am done with trying to help people who won’t help themselves and I am done defending and caring for people who won’t defend or care for themselves.


A growing percentage of this country is nothing more than mindless idiots who don’t pay attention or who want to ‘vote themselves things’. I’m done caring about all of America. I’m now rooting for the blue states to crash and burn and vote more and more misery upon themselves.


Show me the Ute Indians who voted for Donald Trump…and I’ll care about their quick buggering by Joe Biden here…but I’m betting it’s a group that votes nearly universally democrat.


And yep-toss Canada onto this list. Bleep them.


Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government pushed for Biden over trump….and so…I’m loving their whining over the cancelation of the keystone.


Listen to Alberta’s premier…on some cable show this weekend. He’s furious that Biden gutted such a fantastic and worthy project because he’s only listening to DC eco-zealots.


He is right about all of that…and he can go and bleep himself. His government hated trump because he demanded more fairness in a reworked NASFTA agreement. So bleep Canada.


As Obama and Nancy Pelosi loved to say: elections have consequences and so Biden voters who didn’t know what they were voting for and Republican voters who just ‘didn’t like Trumps style’…can all screw themselves now.


I hope Biden and the democrats do it to you, too.



Anonymous ID: b62624 Jan. 25, 2021, 9:20 p.m. No.12716202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6224 >>6571



I love the major buyer’s remorse after just two or three days.


And as for the keystone cancellation and the federal land moratoriums….these were things that Joe Biden and his team were saying that they would do-all along.


They weren’t saying it loudly…and they were lying about how extreme their plans were when they were actually asked about it by conservative media outlets-


But unless you are a total stooge you should have known that the Biden admin plans to regulate fossil fuels out of existence.


Climate activists are now in charge of running our federal oil and gas permits…and are in charge of the agencies that will heap new regulations onto the fossil fuel industries in an attempt to ban it, permanently.


They can’t order a halt to fracking or oil drilling or coal mining on private lands but they can create regulations that make it too expensive to be profitable and/or too impossible to run the regulatory maze to make it worthwhile.


And that’s what Biden’s agencies are going to do here and if you voted for Biden, you own it.