Anonymous ID: 6a08ed Jan. 25, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.12717260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7457

>>12716370 pb

The children of these sick people are trained from birth to continue their family's legacy within the cult.

They train the humanity out of them and turn them into soul less monsters just like their parents.( they have to turn them into evil sickos who get pleasure from torturing babies just like them)

Most any normal human would be disgusted and revolted by the idea of even causing any pain to a baby or small child.

Normal people feel sickened disgust and would not be able to even fathom torturing kittens or puppies let alone children.

They have a process /system to train them, to ensure they never talk/tattle.( some of which could include MK ultra, monarch and other programming/ training.)

Would you trust Natalie or Finnigan to babysit your children? Or how about Chelsea Clinton or Obama's daughters?

FUCK NO, they are more than likely corrupted/perverted/ evil like their parents.

At first yes they were victims, but at some point they become the abusers( the future elite torturers)

Hunter was probably passed around as a child and severely abused.


If they are under age 20, there may be some hope of therapy. But they would need to be monitored, maybe for life.

They were trained in the cult rituals, sacrifices and sexual depravity. They are taught that they are special and better than everyone else.( bloodlines)

They don't just spring this stuff on them out of the blue as adults.

Some people who become rich or have talent like a singer are recruited into the club.

Once in the club, you must train your children and make them available to other elites.

They need full control of them and can not have people/children spilling the beans on them.

Maybe in a safe setting away from their abusers some of them will talk.


I hope they have a way to deprogram them.

If someone has been abused and trained to have no empathy( to be able to hear children and babies scream in pain and derive pleasure from it instead of it making you sick and angry and attempt to stop it.) make it so they feel no sadness, pain, regret, disgust.

They need a way to restore their conscience, morals, values( value of life) and empathy.

It's a sad situation and a difficult one about what to do with the teenagers and children of these sick evil elites and celebs.

If you let them go about their normal lives, most of them may restart their parents legacy( and we will be in the same boat in another hundred years or so)

Which is why sadly they will need lots of therapy and may have to be watched and definitely not allowed to restart their sick cult.


I would imagine the good guys have a plan in place to deal with these issues and probably have programs set up to help these young women and others heal.

I have no idea how deep their training goes and if it can be reversed at all.