Reality is, we've known about this shit for well over a year and Trump hasnt done anything about it. I'm so sick of more revealed crimes, more meaningless "investigations," and no arrests. These people should all be in prison.
Unless the voting rolls are purged, I have no interest in anything about elections–elections are a crooked joke. See VA, AL, PA.
Libtards also think God, family and border security are bad news for the US, so….
No real evidence of the CIA being dismantled yet. That would involve Langley, not just overseas assets like NK and Iran.
All info can be analyzed. Q has overtly stated that much of Q is disinfo, which anybody can see by looking at Q reasonably rather than blindly.
Why trust 3 proven shills and liars?
Such fools and crooked morons.
I sense that she wont be Director, her nomination is about something else.
Yet theyre all still at liberty. Why? What's the latest excuse?
Dont worry, Donald, we gots all the info righcheer.
Q isnt mandatory. There would be no material effect on maga if q just stopped. It's just dissemination of info.
Not correct. He didnt say anything like that. He said at present he's going to keep analyzing Q unless the WH tells him to stop.
People attacking Corsi for no apparent reason are the disinfo agents.
Bye@jack jk
Bye@jack jk
I feel that the FL and TX hurricanes were fabricated by HAARP to attack the Republic, along with the Vegas, Texas and Parkland shootings.
Kanye, Chance et al are the newbie msm Q followers, not Corsi.