Baker, fix this please.
I know you are not the Baker that put this in on his own, just fix it please.
This topic has come up more times than I care to remember. Last night in the beginning of Bread #1585 we had another MUH BREAD MUH DOUGH Baker shill slide this crap in again. The dough is too long already and no one will read it so stop arbitrarily putting this crap in it.
It started out like this;
“Anonymous 05/01/18 (Tue) 17:46:19 a53653 No.1264956
"You have more than you know" ~ Q
Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.”
There never were and never should be rules for notables. Anons see something notable and call the Bakers attention to it. IF he can help the baker he should but there by no means should be any rules stating that if X then Y .This is not an MS DOS programming course. Shill Bakers whine about missing notables; More notables are missed because of shilly bakers MUH FEELS and want to streamline. There is no stream lining, it is baking. Scan for notables add to dough, that’s the job. Now can we PUHLEASE stop having to remove shit that is randomly added by (I'm sure) well meaning Baker and get back to work?
Thank you to (((ALL))) the Bakers
EVERYONE appreciates your hard work!