Anonymous ID: 4d29ac Jan. 26, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.12721565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621 >>1624 >>1640 >>1667



Let's say, for discussion purposes, a scenario occurs where fraud in the 2020 election is proven. Military steps in, as Biden is not a legitimate president, and calls new elections, which will be conducted and overseen by the military. Written ballots only.


House members and newly elected senators lose their seats and all races from Nov. 3 2020 are voted upon again.


How would the results look then? Peeps have gotten a good look at sleepy joe/dem rule and I don't think they'll miss the opportunity to vote them out in a clean election.


This would be better than declaring Trump the winner, even better than showing fraud before Biden got a chance to take office.


Looking at the impeachment bullshit, what purpose does it serve other than to stop Trump from ever running again, that is, disqualify him in some way. They going to try to get him on inciting unlawful behavior (Brandenburg vs Ohio). Since it happened after the Nov 3 election, they may be trying to disqualify him from any re-vote.


I really think there is a threat afoot, as well, creating a Mexican standoff, and that is what's holding up the releasing of evidence that the Nov 3 election was fraudulent.