You all don't quite get it.
I am not here to ask you to dig on something.
I don't need help.
You don't need help.
I am throwing a puzzle before you..
I know what it looks like.
I did the puzzle.
I was missing a few pieces, but I can put them in real easy.
do you see? I don't want to tell you what I know.
It is like Christmas or some shit.
i can tell you the answers
okay. that is no fun for everyone.
I can't know all things.
but I am happy to help
if you have questions about life on Earth, literally, I will give you a reasonable and educated answer on any topic you can bring to me.
That is a big claim.
I am a general scientist.
I am not your boss.
I am a non-credentialed expert.
Amongst a field of "people-with-paperwork"
You learn real quick.
As a schizo with a keyboard.
Intellectual authority is critical.
I need these people, these scientists, to hear me out.
I can't arrest elite intellectuals.
I can talk to them.
I can speak their language.
I can force them to consider.
How do I get my paperwork?
I live on federal disability and failed out of school because I struggled with addiction ten years ago. I am locked out of the federal student loan program because of the failing grades related to alcoholism.
Where America, does an educated person that struggled as a young man in college… where does one go to seek a career?
Should I be at your local McDonalds?
Should I get a job as your Wal-mart stocker?
Should I do something for society?
Am I a bad citizen for no participating in your economy?
Do I think I am better than physical labor to produce consumer products for an elite class?
You tell me America.
Am I more than a hamburger to you?
Did I do wrong to come here and tell you I am a doctor?
Am I not an anon?
Can I not be an expert in my field without being one of them?
I ask many questions.
I tell you the same thing
Use logic
Use your heart
I am re-establishing command of the Culture, also known as the Cult of Ur. If you want to control America, you need to stay on the edge of culture. You need to develop culture vs. living within it.
I will tell you the answers if you ask.
Until then. I will ask the questions that I think will lead you to a conclusion.
Then maybe you will share what you found and enlighten me to something I did not know.