Anonymous ID: e210a2 Jan. 26, 2021, 1:16 p.m. No.12723067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this sounds like the Mafia interviewing him and his day, and how does an FBI be allowed not to give him name

John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer shop owner who unwittingly came into possession of Hunter Biden's laptop, says an FBI agent initially gave a stern warning to his family when first offered a copy of the explosive evidence about Joe Biden's son: "You better lawyer up and get out of my office."Isaac described what concerned him most about the contents on the laptop, his extensive efforts to get authorities in law enforcement and Congress to pay attention to it and his anger at the news media, Democrats and even security officials who initially accused him of carrying out a Russian disinformation campaign or trying to make money off the discovery. U.S. intelligence has determined the laptop contents — now in the hands of the FBI and Congress and part of a criminal tax case — were not Russian disinformation. Isaac said he never took a dime for providing the materials to the FBI, Congress and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, not even when offered reimbursement for the hard drive equipment he used to make copies.

• "Well, for somebody who's not very political, I assume what happened to me was the quintessential political hit job, to have that many people come out, without even talking to me, or having a conversation without doing a single background check," ."I still feel a little bit upset about that," he added. "I have people that I've known for a long time, they're convinced that I'm a tool, or I've been a pawn or I got huge payout. And it's completely decimated my business. I had to leave town."

• Isaac said the efforts "tagging me to Russia" were insulting, given that his father and grandfathers served in the military dating to World War II. He said he believed the attacks were just an outgrowth of the false Russia collusion story used to vilify President Trump at the start of his presidency.

• Isaac said one of his biggest disappointments was the FBI's behavior when his family offered the contents of the hard drive to agents. He said he asked his father, an Air Force veteran, for advice in summer 2019, and his father went to the FBI in Albuquerque, N.M., in September 2019 with a copy of the laptop contents.

He said he was stunned by the FBI's reaction to his father when first offered the laptop contents in September 2019."He had the copy of the drive as well as the copy of the signed authorization," Isaac said of his father. "And the FBI agent that he spoke to refused to give his name and then said you better lawyer up and get out of my office."

• Isaac said a month or so later, an FBI agent from Delaware who specialized in child exploitation crimes approached him, eventually seizing the laptop with a grand jury subpoena. But even then, Isaac said, the FBI seemed disinterested in the laptop contents."They really didn't show an interest in any of the money," he said. "They were more interested in why I was afraid, and not necessarily what was on the on the drive."

"We sat down," Isaac continued, "and the first thing they asked me was if I had seen any child pornography, and you know, I'm not wanting to look at another man's porn. So I generally wasn't, it wasn't what I was looking for. When I sat down to look for stuff, I really focused in on Ukraine. What I casually saw when I was doing the data transfer, sure, there was porn."

• "Then they asked why I was concerned," he added. "So they never brought up money laundering at all, which that seems kind of odd. But they wanted to hear my concerns. I explained to them that there's powers foreign and domestic that are involved. There's a lot of money involved. Somebody, someday is going to look for this."

• "If I can shine a light on the bias of the media and the bias of social media … then that's great," he said. "I think that's gone on long enough. But mainly get the truth out."

Anonymous ID: e210a2 Jan. 26, 2021, 1:20 p.m. No.12723106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3125

>>12723066 Interesting tidbit Thomas Jefferson signed the insurrection act into law on March 3th


Jefferson stuck to his principles and in December of 1806 asked Congress to pass a bill “authorising the emploiment of the land or Naval forces of the US. in cases of insurrection.” This legislation, known as the Insurrection Act, would take another three months to become law. When it was finally signed on March 3, 1807, Aaron Burr had already been in custody for 11 days.