Anonymous ID: 9d7088 Jan. 26, 2021, 5:32 p.m. No.12725355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12724181 (pb)

2,000 credits have been deducted from your social credit score for pushing PAYtriots whose views must be going down because they're fake af. They get all their shit from here.


STOP giving these assholes views and credibility.


>Bread seems to be slow and comfy without the regular shills, they've abandoned us, looks like


They pretty much had to "abandon us" I mean how could they answer

If Joe Biden is president and you won, why are you still here?


Now that they're gone I guess we can believe Joe Biden won.

>>12724237 (pb)

>Gayle King is Oprah's best friend.

Even though she didn't know her or ever met her, Gayle King was at Meghan Markles NYC "baby shower" (which was wired on request of the Queen to POTUS). Markle was not pregnant and her access to a "baby" was cut off by the Queen. In come anyone who is anyone in deep state child trafficking to attend her "baby shower".

>>12724413 (pb)

>Native American Tribe Calls Joe Biden’s Drilling Freeze a ‘Direct Attack’ on Sovereignty


NA tribes that sold access to China are gonna lose their reservations (as per EO). Traitors who let hate be their compass and hate which Chinks exploited.

>>12724451 (pb)

KEK it's an EPIC troll. So epic the WH edited that part out of the official video.

>>12724482 (pb)

>Biden 2020 Run Backed By $145 Million In 'Dark Money'


KEK "dark money". Love the play on BLM / ActBlue.

>>12724543 (pb)

>Putin slams ‘dangerous’ illegal protests, likens drawing children into them to terrorism

(((OLIGARCHS))) doing the same thing to Putin that they did to Trump.

>>12724600 (pb)

>Andrew Cuomo admits his ‘Incompetent Government Killed People’ While NY Has Second Highest COVID-19 Death Rate

FIFY. Typical kike slide to blame someone else.

Anonymous ID: 9d7088 Jan. 26, 2021, 5:36 p.m. No.12725401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5467 >>5733

REPOSTING, guys this is more epic than you can begin to imagine. Read the caps and wait for FRIDAY. The rule of the (((BANKERS))) is almost over. It may seem too complicated for normies, but read, cap and prepare to sip (((TEARS)))

The Revenge of the Incels


For years now the kikemedia has been slamming incels, gamers, they cooked up fake and gay tranny gamergate…and now, it's time to pay the piper.


This is for YOU Thomas Jefferson, who knew that a bunch of autistic gammers would finish was John F. Kennedy could not.


Friday, it's over banker hedge kikes.


Pics very much related. And even if you don't understand the "game" and how the market is rigged and why BANKS always get bailed out but you don't, read the pics,and prepare to sip banker/hedgefund tears. They're not getting bailed out this time.

Anonymous ID: 9d7088 Jan. 26, 2021, 5:43 p.m. No.12725508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cliff High is now in current timeline. Calls out


SIMON PARKESKEK and he's 100% right.

Worth the listen. I can't explain everything but like me he saw /made videos about the OLD timeline back in 2007 and nothing happened.


BECAUSE of the timeline shift….high strangeness WOOO and space WOOO. Worth a listen.

Anonymous ID: 9d7088 Jan. 26, 2021, 5:57 p.m. No.12725647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5677


Polly, on bitchute did a great video on foundations …aka trusts. The People in the Dark Shadows video exposes Ula and JP Bak, but one of her more recent vids (re credit cards) accidentally exposes the truth about foundations, tax write offs and the REALITY of foundations, charities, trusts.


I do hope she REALLY figures it out..her almonds are tingling, she's close. Very close.


tl;dr all the AFRICAN charities these foundations donate to, are fake af. Happy looking webpages actually lead no where. Deep state is running black ops (think breakway) shit funded by your tax dollars they "donate" to non existing charities.


Come on Ms. Polly, dig deeper! You're almost there!