Anonymous ID: 5cdf2d Jan. 26, 2021, 6:32 p.m. No.12726049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6075


>You're not making the proper distinctions.

Says who? You?


>By giving you life and continuing to sustain you, God is with you.

You're really not understanding the water analogy, are ya?

Even when your body stops… you're still surrounded.


>But He will leave you if you commit mortal sin, and leave you to your devices and to satan, in the hopes that you will repent and love Him.

You realize that God lost the bet in the Job narrative, right?

That's why He read Job the riot act…


>So you're just very confused, and your questions show a lack of good, sound, catechesis.

I'm confused because I don't talk like I was brainwashed since childhood (catechesis)?

Anonymous ID: 5cdf2d Jan. 26, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.12726119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6195


>What part of what I said gave you that idea?

The fact that you're doubling now makes me further believe that you completely missed what I was saying.


>No He didn't.

Very thoroughly lost. Pitched a fit afterwards.


>Job wasn't "read the riot act", and he certainly took it better than you.

At the end of it, all Job wanted was for God to kill him or fuck off and leave him alone.

Did you read the Muslim version or something?


>You can be catechized at any time, not just since childhood.

I can be brainwashed and indoctrinated by people who use lies about God as a cover for them to fuck children?

How kind of you!


Have you ever read a religious book that waaaaaasn't the Bible?

Anonymous ID: 5cdf2d Jan. 26, 2021, 6:53 p.m. No.12726307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6340


>you just act emotionally butthurt like a woman.

Awww… I offended the Pauline prick… so sad.


>God does not "pitch a fit". You're obviously a jew.

If I'd went with "had a melt down", what would you assume I was, then?



>At the end of it, God blessed Job with vast wealth and a large family. You don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, to cover his own ass for letting Job get fucked for no reason.

Next you'll tell me that Job doesn't explicitly warn against the Prosperity Doctrine!


>Nice self-own there, jew.

Wouldn't a Jew have said "Christian Version", tho?

Protestant OT is closer to the Tanakh taught by Jesus than the Catholic OT+Apocryphals.


>You're a lost soul, with hate in your heart.

Hate in my heart? You sound like a libshit calling me a white supreme.


>Why did you stutter, jew?

"waaaaaasn't" is an elongated sound, not a stuttered one broken up into pieces.

Do you actually know what a stutter is?


>And yes, I have.

Which non-bible holy books have you read?


>Turns out that Christianity is true, and Catholicism is the true form of Christianity.


So you're just trolling, then?

Catholicism? Really?


>Good luck in life.

Wish you could join Us, but you're clearly damned.

Oh well.

Anonymous ID: 5cdf2d Jan. 26, 2021, 6:57 p.m. No.12726371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6407


>If you insist on hardening your heart, there is nothing anyone can do for you.

God could stop hardening my heart… that's something.

I never understood why God hardens hearts and then condemns people for having the hardened heart HE gave them.


>May God have mercy on your soul.

Mercy? From what?

Your pissiness?

Why do you think God is such an angry cunt?

You're an asshole to think that of God.