Anonymous ID: 654bc2 Jan. 26, 2021, 6:34 p.m. No.12726067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6138 >>6146 >>6157

You are familiar with the story of my Death and Resurrection. This was my Ascension from Planet Earth into the Higher Dimensions. It was intended to represent for you the possibility of Eternal Life, with a body risen to be your vehicle by which you can return to the Lower Dimensions if you wish without having to go through the Birth and Death experience. Unfortunately, that was not the part of the Story that has been told, so I will take the opportunity here to explain it.


I did not come to our Beloved Planet Earth to die for anyone's sins. That is a nonsensical idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs. I came to teach Love, simply that. I wanted to express my own Love for the Creator, and to show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with those in spirit form who oversee and assist in our lives. I saw the cruelty and greed on the Planet and wished to find a way to lead people away from the suffering it caused.


Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the march of the Reptilian Race. They distorted my teachings, in the way they compiled the Bible, and even more effectively in the way they interpreted my Teachings. My Disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what we stood for, but their writings are overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose agenda was to promote divisiveness and exclusivity rather than Unity and recognition that we are all One.


I did not come to establish the religion, Christianity. I would not have permitted Teachings which would set one faith against another. I had hoped to create a body of work which could be included in any and all religious or philosophical points of view. It was intended to expand consciousness, no matter what a person's belief system might be. Unfortunately, I had not yet left the Earth plane when the one who called himself Paul took it upon himself to begin an energetic proselytising campaign in which he appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles. Thus began the divisiveness between my followers and others which has continued to this day