How much is …
Let's start with how you would write 11 billion with numbers only:
And this is how you would write 11 billion with letters only:
Eleven billion
If you take apart 11 billion and turn it into millions you get:
11 billion = 11,000 million
If you type in 11 billion on your calculator, it may come out as a scientific notation of:
1.10E+10 (1.10 x 1010)
OK, enough of the basics. Now we will put 11 billion in the context of other things, so you can get a better idea of how much it really is:
Spending: If you had 11 billion dollars, you could buy 366,667 cars at $30,000/each or 55,000 houses at $200,000/each.
Travel: If you were to travel 11 billion miles, you could fly around the world 441,749 times or take a round trip to the moon 23,022 times.
Savings: If you could save $100,000/year, it would take you 110,000 years to save 11 billion dollars. If you could save $10,000 every single day, then it would only take you 3,014 years to save 11 billion.
source to fraud article.