BAKER: Grvl ID: 8ee579 @550 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:51 a.m. No.12731034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1056 >>1068

>>12730430 DOUGH


>>12730930 I'm alwasy amazed at what anons think i know. btw hows my banner?

>>12730929 keks in OP



>>12730480 Senator Tom Carper introduces the Washington, D.C. Admission Act to make D.C. the 51st state of the USA

>>12730487 Clinesmith due to be sentenced this week.

>>12730481, >>12730570, >>12730604, >>12730608, >>12730678, >>12730700 Memes


>>12730494, >>12730500 Goldman Board Slashes CEO Solomon's Pay By 36%

>>12730605 Italy’s Prime Minister Resigns

>>12730549, >>12730663 compare this video to the WhiteHouse live stream fireworks

>>12730735 GAME STOP MINI BUN [ >>12730817, >>12730821, >>12730884, >>12730933, >>12730947, >>12730985, >>12731011 ]

>>12730662, >>12730662 Texas TRYING to succeed from the Union

>>12730860, >>12730863 Notables Archives

>>12730874 YouTube suspends Donald Trump indefinitely

>>12730880 STOCKPILE of HCQ

>>12730886 Prooffag Chimes in

>>12730941 RealKrakenWood

>>12730962 Anons opine on the gamestop dog-pile [BUY NOW!!!]

>>12730979 CALL TO DIG

>>12731019 WhiteHouse Annonucement

BAKER: Grvl ID: 8ee579 BAKING Jan. 27, 2021, 8 a.m. No.12731147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1153 >>1160 >>1166 >>1194

>>12730430 DOUGH


>>12731056 The one you use when you aren't impersonating other bakers? (pretend like i have no clue what ur saying???)



>>12731130 Q Research General #16253: $GAME == 'STOP' Edition



>>12730480 Senator Tom Carper introduces the Washington, D.C. Admission Act to make D.C. the 51st state of the USA

>>12730487 Clinesmith due to be sentenced this week.

>>12731094, >>12730481, >>12730570, >>12730604, >>12730608, >>12730678, >>12730700 Memes


>>12730494, >>12730500 Goldman Board Slashes CEO Solomon's Pay By 36%

>>12730605 Italy’s Prime Minister Resigns

>>12730549, >>12730663 compare this video to the WhiteHouse live stream fireworks

>>12730735, >>12731049 GAME STOP MINI BUN [>>12731113 ]

>>12730662, >>12730662, >>12731068 Texas TRYING to Secede from the Union?

>>12730860, >>12730863 Notables Archives

>>12730874 YouTube suspends Donald Trump indefinitely

>>12730880 STOCKPILE of HCQ

>>12730886 Prooffag Chimes in

>>12730941 RealKrakenWood

>>12730979 CALL TO DIG

>>12731019 White House Annonucement