If it was that simple, why is the collective machine shitting it's pants right now, exposing its presence, going all in to minimize the damage?
If it was that simple, why is the collective machine shitting it's pants right now, exposing its presence, going all in to minimize the damage?
as a non-moneyfag, my enjoyment isn't in watching big money suffer… they'll probably just get bigger; it's in watching people that created a way to get rich off of, and thus create the misfortunes of others, lose their assess to an uncontrollable mob, and watching the machine react to the chaos. Hell maybe the last bastion of liberalism left in my soul is the desire to see public trading of stocks disappear forever. It's a fucking scam just like everything else, and I really think we'd be a lot better off without it.
This doesn't suggest that at ALL. Was the notion of a fraternity of Patriotic Western Chauvinists even a thing in 2014? Only someone who believes the bullshit that they are far-right extremists would see this as a sign of him being comped, imo.
Thank you for pointing this out. How exactly could Bear Sterns
>just just as easily be adding tons of new shorts to…
whatever it was that cost them their ass? That's my point exactly.