photos of the leftists and tyrunts always show them from an 'photographer looking up their nose as if in a craddle' view or an 'photographer grovelling on the floor ' view.
it's a ' tell '
photos of the leftists and tyrunts always show them from an 'photographer looking up their nose as if in a craddle' view or an 'photographer grovelling on the floor ' view.
it's a ' tell '
they are probably all excited byt a big pay out to their pensions when Biden hands them billions to cancel student loan debt. (if that's how it is to work, I bet it is).
why is this issue absent from news?
buy low, sell high. don't gamble if you can't pay the losses.
if yo uhave to ask then you know that hte answer has to be 'no'
and if I did answer for myself I'd also say 'no'.
at the top of your head can you tell me what the PE is?
if not then don't buy it.
the 'pay out' for pay back of student loans is going to be an undeserved reward for insiders of the corruption.
your being illogical
if that's purposeful, then whateer
if not please restate your input.
fake anon posts his cult images to associate them with the users of this board.
the gamestop news is that the chart is a hockey stick.
different theories, it was shilled in all venues heavily yesterday.
using the possessive the way that you do makes you into a shill.
thus you should phuck off
the student loan debt enriched various private funds that insiders hold copiously and a lot of it is own by what you so assholishly call boomers in their SEC or other public pensions.
of course those scum care that their 'investments' will pay off.
funny how after 3 years of this some of them are still clueless that the more they know the less that they are let to get away with.
people watching at home on the day didnt' see any riots till the next day.
Joe Bendin
the first 'bite me in chief'