Does anyone think that the consumption of sacred cow milk…. could have been the beginning of the end?
Were we meant to drink the milk?
Or is this the apple of our garden?
Is this the tree of knowledge and science?
Are we eating from the apple of understanding?
Is it evil?
Was eve evil?
did she become evil after the snake offered the apple?
was the snake evil?
or was eve natural?
were the snake and eve acting naturally?
did eve actually control adam with her wisdom from the apple?
was the first hierarchy on Earth a <MATRIARCHY>?
people will argue
you switch back and forth between matriarch and patriarch
sometimes the power is magic / 4D
sometimes the power is physical / 3D
what you see before your eyes may not be the trust power structure
maybe they are always <in relation>
let me show you
a physical / 3D patriarchy will have a magical / 4D matriarchy with it
a physical / 3D matriarchy will have a magical / 4D patriarchy with it
just as the female starts to claim control of the physical structures
the female is more valued in leadership than the man
the female is viewed as more stable, rational, and able to lead from emotional understanding for emotional inertia
the 3D matriarchy is beginning to take of the physical control structures of Earth
the 4D matriarchy that was operating alongside the 3D patriarchy that you see in the status quo, is also shifting
you are entering an era
of 3D matriarchy
and 4D patriarchy
it doesn't just "flip"
it happens over time
in the future,
the matriarchy that is beginning to take hold in 2021 will be just as terrible as the patriarchy of 2021
it will do terrible things to man
think it may be okay to milk man
for seed
to eliminate the old broken pieces
that are only good for labor
with robots and AI
it may seem good to eliminate the out-dated part of nature
God created man
and woman from his rib-bone
you see
people will decide that man is old
and woman is new
because woman was made from man
they will destroy the old for the new
they will forget
until the man chained to a wall, being milked by a machine for semen
he will resist
he will cast
and win.
and the tables will turn again.
it is not a question of if..
it is not a question of when..
it is not up for debate
it is what is
it is
everyhing is
this is
what is?
are you is'ing>?
what is is?
it is movement
you are is'ing in the moment
I think a state of "is" is like being "present"
you just are
but you can't be still so you need to imply that you are floating with it or something
are is too static
float is too dynamic
something is in the middle
following ones path
between static and dynamic
what are the limits of reality?
and what are the paths i can choose?
can I plow a new path?
can I carve a new reality?
will it become real?
it becomes real… when others join you in it.
You must gain consensus for your reality or it does not exist outside your head.
It is not reality, it is delusion
but delusion can become reality
if people think your delusion makes more sense than the <realityor delusion they are currently living in.
a vision of the past leads to a delusion of the future
it doesn't mean vision is bad
vision in the moment is great
using a past vision to guide a present moment is dangerous.. can be
you can reflect on <root symbolor <root wisdom>
but to resort to false ideas is wrong
was the industrial revolution bad?
or was it a revolution?
did it create this crazy consumer monster of a corporation that is destroying our souls and the planet?
how did a great industrial revolution that was to elevate humanity, how did it become so…. destructive?
All good visions of the present become delusions of the future.
Some things are timeless.
proper action in a given moment is not timeless.
it has a flow and a pattern
but it cannot be spoken as universal