Anonymous ID: 54cca5 May 2, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.1273819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>USPS and the newly branded Nat'l Credit Union will replace our old banking system after the bank holiday. But WHEN will that happen?

Definitely something to look into. As the world turns pamphlet shows with proof that the FED was created to undermine the people. We should be demanding this and informing EVERYONE that we not just want change but need it.


BTW, I believe they have 30 months to disclosure EVERYTHING regarding gold/assets. POTUS needs to step it the fuck up and stop this slow as chess game that is just getting citizens killed and frustrated. A plan shouldn't risk the lives of the INNOCENT. That proves we're being fucked with and it has to stop. We need HR5404 & EO11110 instated NOW.