TEHRAN, May 01 (MNA) – Robert David Steele, the former CIA clandestine operations officer, has written an article on the normalization of ties between two Koreas and its consequences for the Middle East, warning against the US threat for the world peace.
When I reported in the American Herald Tribune on 4 March 2018 (in the aftermath of my February meeting with Japanese Princess Kaoru Nakamaru) that the Koreas were going to unite, the North would denuclearize, and the South would demilitarize with a withdrawal of all US forces once unification was completed, no one wanted to believe me (or the Princess). Four days later Q Anon, President Donald Trump’s “town herald,” confirmed my report but the fake news mainstream media continued to pursue a narrative of false threat and disbelief in the possibilities of peace.
President Donald Trump has done what no other US President has ever done before: developed a direct collaborative relationship with both General Secretary Xi Jinping of China and President Vladimir Putin of Russia. To be as clear as possible: the staffs – and especially the staffs of the Departments of State and Defense in the USA controlled by Deep State and Zionist elements – have been sidelined. Three “great men” in the classic sense are managing the migration from a world ruled by the 1% against the 99%, toward a world in which peace and prosperity empower the 99% to rise to their fullest potential.
There are still too many, in the words of one Middle East editor who declined to publish this article, who believe that
Trump is not the champion of hope and peace. He is a warmonger as proven in the Douma case. What he does is the continuation of the US imperialism to wreak havoc globally and in the Middle East specifically.
While I respect all individuals who have formed a negative opinion about President Trump based on the fake news mainstream media and a limited understanding of false flag operations and strategic deception operations, it is vital that President Trump be judged on the basis of actual outcomes.
Iran must not make the mistake of confusing strategic intent (peace) with operational theatrics. It is particularly important for Iran to understand that President Trump’s “base” hates Zionists with a passion and President Trump knows this. The growth of public sentiment in the USA against the Zionist domination of US national security policy cannot be over-stated – the Zionist dismissal of the nine million US Jewish voters (generally Progressive and Reform Jews that Benjamin Netanyahu scorns) is but one of many “strikes” against Zionism in the USA. Zionism is OVER.
The unification of the Koreas against all prevailing Deep State sentiment (the banks, the media, the military-industrial complex, the secret intelligence criminal networks) is proof positive that President Trump has not been captured by the Deep State and is operating at a strategic level few can comprehend.
The Koreas would not be uniting; and North Korea would not be denuclearizing, if President Trump had not agreed, in January 2018, to demilitarize South Korea – to close US military bases in South Korea and withdraw US forces from South Korea including US Air Force nuclear assets – as a quid pro quo. Of course this would not be happening if General Secretary Xi had not first guaranteed “no loose nukes” and made commitments to the leadership of North Korea with regard to its future prosperity. Xi set the stage; Trump closed the deal, both working with enlightened Korean leaders in the North and the South.
Middle East; theatrics versus Middle East strategy
President Trump clearly understood that both the first and the second alleged gas attacks in Syria were false flag attacks. What most do not appear to understand is that both of his missile attacks on Syria were coordinated in advance with President Putin and President Vashar al-Assad in Syria, and were aimed at rebel targets, with the added advantage of allowing President Trump to determine with precision what percentage of the missiles do not actually hit their targets or explode if they do.
As President Trump and President Putin turn toward the matter of Syria as a tactical issue and peace in the Middle East as a strategic issue, I wish to put forward a few thoughts intended to help Iran avoid the traps being set for it by Zionist Israel, and make the most of what is clearly a historic opportunity to bring peace to the Middle East and justice to the people of Palestine. There can be no peace in the Middle East without first reversing the genocidal occupation of Palestine by the Zionists, an occupation rooted in lies.