Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:16 p.m. No.12738322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not quite

that was 2016

when we memed GEOTUS into office

this election is what will happen to /wallstbets after

they'll rub their faces in it and laugh as people lose millions

because thats what they do

because they're fucking faggots

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:28 p.m. No.12738417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8452


Thank you baker san


>>12737599 (lb)

When she's gained 30 stone & canny run from anyone anymore?


>>12737521 (lb)

anon knew he was a fibbi ASSet


anon opines… how do we find a place where we can TRUST each other again?

I still love & pray for my fellow humans worldwide… I just want to find the path to that amazing future of flying cars, free energy & MUTUAL RESPECT of one another's differences as well as our MANY similarities. After all, the majority of us only want the ability to raise our families in as much security as we can. I long for the day we enjoy/respect our cultural differences & work together as sovereign nations/citizens of our respective territories as we work TOGETHER towards that enlightened future our children deserve


Yes I know I wrote "too much text" .

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:32 p.m. No.12738447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8453 >>8499 >>8533 >>8741 >>8932

‘Let Us Break the Chains’: Cuban Priests Urge Rise Against Communism

Frances Martel 25 Jan 2021


A coalition of 15 Catholic priests working in Cuba defied the Communist Party and decades of Vatican distance from Cuban politics to publish a letter this weekend urging the Cuban people to “co-involve” themselves in their own liberation from communism and work to “break the chains” of the Castro regime.


The letter, published in English by the U.S.-based human rights organization Global Liberty Alliance, states plainly, “Cuba needs political changes.”


“We, as believers, consider that it is time, as a people, to return to God,” the priests write.


The letter was published to coincide with the 23rd anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s visit to Cuba, who left an extended legacy of confronting human rights atrocities under communism. The priests represent congregations nationwide, in all six traditional provinces of Cuba, and the list of signers of the letter include clergymen who prominently denounced communism in public throughout the last year, including Havana Father Jorge Luis Pérez Soto and Father Alberto Reyes Pías of eastern Camagüey.


Catholics, and other Christians on the island, have faced over half a century of intense persecution under the Castro regime, including prime positions on firing squad lists for decades, imprisonment in labor camps, politically motivated arrests, and censorship of their faith. The Communist Party of Cuba is an explicitly atheist institution that inhibits all religious worship while promoting late dictator Fidel Castro’s ties to nominally Catholic, but functionally Marxist liberation theologists.


The extreme persecution made it difficult for formal Catholicism to survive on the island and forced many priests to continue their worship delicately, without disturbing the government or triggering any significant crackdown on believers. Pope Francis, in particular, has attempted to increase the proximity between the Castro regime and the Vatican through a 2015 visit to the island and his alleged involvement in brokering the Obama-era deal that resulted in significant American concessions to dictator Raúl Castro.


During his 2015 visit, Castro agents brutally assaulted and arrested a Cuban pro-democracy dissident, Zaqueo Báez of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), for shouting “freedom” near Pope Francis’ vehicle. Despite video evidence of the pope’s proximity to the incident, he denied having any information on political arrests on the island.


“I told the prime minister if the pope continues to talk as he does, sooner or later I will start praying again and return to the Catholic Church, and I am not kidding,” Raúl Castro said of Pope Francis in 2015.


The letter published this weekend represents a significant change in tone for the Church.


“Inspired by the enlightening message of Saint John Paul II, who, twenty-three years ago, urged us to ‘be protagonists in our own personal and national history;’ We want to give voice to our thoughts and feelings … knowing that they are not just ours but also of a large part of our Cuban people,” the priests wrote.


“The people have to co-involve themselves, set out on the path, and learn to live in freedom through an immense desert that will demand numerous renunciations, the temptation to prefer certain comforts to freedom, to think that their efforts have been useless, and that they will never reach the future they so yearn for,” the letter continued.



Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:33 p.m. No.12738453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8499 >>8531




The priests later cited Saint Augustine in their support of public participation in the eradication of communism, quoting, “The God who created you without you, will not save you without you.”


The letter then went on to condemn specific aspects of life under communism:


“A lack of free thought and censorship have encouraged an incoherence between what is thought, said, and done. On the other hand, the near impossibility of living without engaging in something illegal makes the “black market” an indispensable ally for survival and an environment dominated by theft, bribery, and even blackmail. The “every man for himself” atmosphere, where anything goes, shows a corruption that permeates almost all social strata. Added to this is the sense that we are constantly being spied on, that we could “fall into disgrace.” ”


“Cuba needs political changes,” the letter concluded. “We need to overcome authoritarianism.”


Ending the Castro regime’s stranglehold on society, it went on, was an act of love.


“We are called to love everyone, without exception, but to love an oppressor is not to allow him to continue being that way; nor is it making him think that what he does is acceptable,” the priests observed. “On the contrary, to love him well is to seek in different ways that he stops oppressing, it is to take away that power that he does not know how to use and that disfigures him as a human being.”


“Let’s set out on the road; let’s stop listening to our fears; let’s believe in our strength as a people. Let us break the chains, the worst ones being the ones we carry in our minds and hearts,” the letter encouraged.


The awakening of the Church on the island comes in light of unprecedented protests that ended 2020, in particular, the descent of hundreds of youth in front of Havana’s Ministry of Culture in November in solidarity with the San Isidro Movement, a group of artists and intellectuals who had begun a hunger strike that month in solidarity with Denis Solís, a rapper sentenced to eight months in prison for filming a police officer illegally entering his home. Solís remains in prison today.


In defense of the San Isidro movement, over 200 laymen and clergy Catholics wrote an open letter in November against the government.


“We Christians, to be coherent with the demands of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that proclaims the dignity of all human people as an absolute value … express our desire that the events occurring at the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement in Havana do not meet a fatal end,” the letter read. At the time, San Isidro members were engaging in life-threatening hunger and thirst strikes.


Full text of letter here:

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:35 p.m. No.12738469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8681


interesting since most of the electricity wiring in LA & other large/medium sized cities has moved UNDERGROUND over the last 30 yrs… if the wiring is UNDERGROUND how is the wind affecting it at all?

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.12738598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>download robinhood

fucking kek

if you dont at least have td ameritrade with options on margin enabled then you're a fucking faggot

true story

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:50 p.m. No.12738613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8628

Unfortunately, the article does NOT include a link to the NIH report mentioned towards the end.


Moonbattery has a link to the video upon which the following article is created. For some reason I can't copy the video URL, but the Moonbattery article is here, and contains even more links:


Steve Hilton finds stunning Covid 19 connections: ‘Specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is terrifying’

January 25, 2021


Fox News’ Steve Hilton shared an investigation that breaks down the origins of the coronavirus, and not only links it back to U.S. commissioned research, but also toDr. Anthony Fauci.


The host of the “The Next Revolution” told his viewers that the evidence uncovered “points to the most likely cause of the pandemic and it’s worse than anything that we have heard so far.”


Highlighting a study 10 years ago in the Netherlands involving ferrets, which have respiratory systems that operate similar to humans, Hilton said researchers “were trying to see if the virus that starts out without the ability to be transmitted through the air can eventually gain that ability.”


“This led to the creation of an entirely new type of scientific research made possible by advances in gene technology,” he said. “It was called gain of function virus research. The idea was to replicate in a lab what had been done with those ferrets — to take the virus and manipulate the genetic code to make it stronger and powerful. The virus would gain new function, hence the name.”


The idea being to engineer the most contagious deadly viruses in lab conditions “to learn about treatments and vaccines without the calamity of an actual outbreak,” Hilton noted.


This research was carried out around the world, with Wuhan, China being home to a leading laboratory, funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed up byDr. Anthony Fauci.


The great risk being if a highly contagious virus managed to escape the lab, it could cause calamity — much like the world is seeing today with COVID-19.


Hilton shared that the Obama administration put a moratorium on the controversial research. “Despite the controversy surrounding this type of research,” he said, “it always had one steadfast champion, a leading figure in the world of infectious diseases,Anthony Fauci.His institute funded that first ferret study. At the time he cowrote an op-ed in the Washington Post describing the research as “a risk worth taking… important information and insight can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.”


“Shortly before the Obama Administration’s ban on gain of function research in 2014,Dr. Faucicommissioned … a project to assess the risk of new coronaviruses emerging from wild animals like bats — one of the aims was to see what viruses can infect animals and humans,” Hilton said.


The Fox News host said that while the Obama administration stopped the research,Fauci“continued on by subcontracting it” to the NY based EcoHealth Alliance.


Sharing what he called a “crucial step that have never been reported,” Hilton noted that EcoHealth Alliance then subcontracted the gain of function piece to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


… continued

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.12738628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807 >>8841





Citing a paper detailing a progress report on the study from the head of the Wuhan lab, Hilton pointed to a money trail that led back toFauci.


“Until now, the only reporting ofDr. Fauci’s role in all of this has been his funding of the Wuhan lab in general,” Hilton said. “But tonight we can go further thanks to this paper. We can see the specific activity thatDr. Faucifunded and it is terrifying — so terrifying that after we reached out to NIH this paper was mysteriously taken off-line on Friday for a while. But we downloaded it weeks ago.”


He went into painstaking detail of researchers collecting samples of bat feces from a cave in a province in China and finding many novel coronaviruses, and genetically engineering new viruses in the lab.


“They infected human cells with them in the lab. And they then showed that their man-made viruses could replicate as a functional virus,” Hilton said. “Here is the most important part, the genetic changes they made in the lab unlocked a highly specific doorway into the human body. The virus that causes COVID-19 uses that same exact doorway. To be clear, none of the genetically engineered viruses created in 2017 and reported in this paper were the exact ones we’re dealing with now, but what they confirm was it was possible to make the COVID-19 virus using the technique developed in theFauciproject.”


A project that continued for three more years.


Comparing COVID-19 to viruses made in the Wuhan lab, Hilton said the pandemic virus “looks like a combination of two different bat viruses from a completely different species.”


He proceeded to discount claims that this may have been the result of natural origin. “Multiple different species of bats in south China would have to infect each other, and some other unknown animals, and that either these animals or an infected human will need to have traveled 1000 miles without affecting anyone until they got to Wuhan,” Hilton said.


“We’re not suggesting for a second that the coronavirus was created or released as a bio weapon,” he stressed. “But lab accidents happen — that’s literally the reason the Obama administration stopped this research.”


Hilton said Matt Pottinger, who was former President Trump’s deputy national security advisor, privately told a group of British officials that “a growing body of evidence supported the idea that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab.”


Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service MI6, was quoted as saying: “It’s an engineered escapee from the Wuhan institute, I’m not saying anything other than the fact that… is was the result of an accident.”


After stressing you’re playing with fire when you modify a bat virus to where it can spread from human to human in the air, Hilton asked, “Why on earth didn’tDr. Faucistop it as soon as the Obama moratorium was announced back in 2014?”


“The response from the medical establishment has been shocking,” he added. “Instead of trying to figure out what happened, they have been pushing a cover-up.”


Saying the evidence suggests the U.S., underFauci, commissioned the research that produced the COVID-19 virus, Hilton called on the infectious disease expert to “step aside.”


“This week President Biden madeDr. Faucihis chief medical advisor with an enhanced role,” Hilton concluded. “In the light of the documents and the evidence we presented tonight, that role is completely untenable.Faucimust step aside until we get to the bottom of this in creating, unintentionally of course, the catastrophic global pandemic.”


Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:53 p.m. No.12738642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8649 >>8705 >>8715

COVID-19: Born in North Carolina, Sold to Wuhan Lab, Optimized for Pandemic Spread

By Shad Olson, January 13, 2020


Emerging evidence strongly suggests a research collaboration between a North Carolina scientist and two Wuhan, Chinese microbiologists is the smoking gun in the creation and release of the COVID-19 superbug. A coronavirus synthesized in two laboratories on opposite sides of the world into a chimera viral monstrosity, optimized for infectious spread and with a lethality 20 times that of the common influenza.


My initial research on the COVID-19 outbreak led nearly immediately to the work of Dr. Ralph Baric. A microbiologist and chemistry professor at the University of North Carolina who had raised the eyebrows and the ire of the immunological community in 2015 by undertaking an unauthorized “gain of function” study for the synthesis of a supercharged SARS coronavirus. Work strictly forbidden by both the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Both Baric’s hubris in ignoring a CDC/WHO contravention against gain of function studies and his clear disregard for the consequences of his activities immediately captured instinctual attention as someone whose activities bore closer inspection for potential connection to the Wuhan crisis that is now a global pathogen gaining momentum with each passing day.


All that was missing was a direct connection between Baric’s maverick killer coronavirus research and the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan at the (Wuhan Institute for Science and Technology) that serves as China’s only bioweapons research facility, located in the very city where the COVID-19 pandemic began.


If only I’d read the finest of fine print sooner. Buried in the minutiae of Baric’s published study documents, two barely credited collaborators in the gain of function coronavirus study: Doctors Xing-Yi Ge and Zhengli-Li. Microbiology and immunology researchers working at Wuhan Institute for Science and Technology, undertaking precisely the same gain of function study for a newly augmented coronavirus. A respiratory superbug with a particularly infectious surface protein array (SHC014) and the innards of a pneumococcal killer. The precursor to COVID-19.


But first, more background.


In 2015 Dr. Baric’s researchers at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill raised the ire of some in the infectious disease community when they contravened a ban on particularly hazardous “Gain of Function” laboratory studies successfully engineering a virus that combined the highly adaptable SHC014 surface protein array with common SARS, producing a potential pandemic supervirus that proved fatal across species lines, infecting human lung cells and killing mice in laboratory trials. The CDC had banned all gain of function testing on American soil in October of 2013, but eventually issued a ruling allowing North Carolina virologist, Dr. Ralph Baric to continue his work because his study had predated the ban by a matter of weeks.



Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:54 p.m. No.12738649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8705





The creation of such a new, non-natural risk to human health triggered bioethics backlash and criticism from around the world, with several elite virologists and infectious disease specialists slamming Dr. Baric’s work as potentially catastrophic, irresponsible and an unnecessary risk, given that previous studies of past outbreaks had already confirmed the near seamless transitory capacity of the SHC014 protein array in humans. Baric’s work also demonstrated once again the ease with which existing viral pathogens can be lab altered and optimized, both for maximum infection potential and lethality in humans.


Contrary to public understanding, coronavirus refers not to a specific infection like the present outbreak originating in Wuhan, China, but to a broad spectrum of viruses with similar “coronal” surface protein features that allow them to bind to and infect human cells without first incubating and mutating in a second or third host species. The SHC014 corona protein is native to the Horseshoe Bat, a prevalent bat species in China that are both captured and sold live, butchered and cooked or fried whole as crunchy street food fare in markets across China. (I’ve eaten them.)


Because of their unique adaptability and highly mutagenic nature, direct crossover viruses like coronavirus are of particular human health risk and are responsible for some of the most virulent outbreaks in history, including Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan and Marburg, (similar and similarly deadly hemorrhagic fever filoviruses also originating in bats but with direct demonstrated infectious capacity in both simians and humans) as well as SARS, and MERS, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome. Patient Zero as the first recorded case of Ebola was a vacationing Frenchman who camped near Mt. Elgon in Kenya in 1980 and is believed to have ventured inside nearby Kitum Cave, home to a colony of African fruit bats potentially numbering in the millions. The man died horribly only days later, hemorrhaging to death as his organs liquefied and ‘bled out.’


Bat viruses are very often, potential slate wipers in humans. And it is that lethality that has made these airborne superbugs intriguing fare for researchers often willing to take ungodly risks in the name of science. And potential profit. Far more troublingly, it also endows these pathogens with effective layers of plausible deniability for bioweapons research, development and deployment, cloaked in statistical relevance of an Asian petri dish where cross-species disease leaping is generational fact.


Translation: If you were going to commit bioweapons genocide against the human race, releasing an engineered bat-originated, cross-species superbug in a Chinese city would be close to the perfect crime. Ease of replication. Plausible deniability. And you’d need a scanning electron microscope and the wherewithal to use it to ever deduce the forensic truth.


One can very easily imagine a materials for play scenario that went something like this:


Dr. Baric is given his original bat virus feeder stock from the plentiful populations of Horseshoe bat colonies near Wuhan which are natural carriers of coronaviruses like the common cold. After successfully harvesting and modifying hosted common coronavirus with the SHC014 protein array, Dr. Baric negotiates a transfer of the newly augmented virus back to the Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory as compensation for parallel study. Chinese researchers immediately go to work on further modifications, including for reasons unknown, the incorporation of HIV genetic markers, creating a virus that prefers the much stronger furin catalyst protein bond cleavage site, a bond 1,000 times stronger than the ACE2 protein bond of typical SARS coronavirus. Not a mutation, but a scientific augmentation for a clearly weaponized designer pathogen.


And in early December, the world is witness to the first case of COVID-19. A coronavirus with the SHC014 protein array, known to be housed at the Wuhan BSL-4 lab, roughly 700 feet from the “seafood market” that was initially blamed as the site origin of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak that is now sweeping the world.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:54 p.m. No.12738654   🗄️.is 🔗kun


exactly, fix it tickets & registration rickets et el target the poor. Much of the ticket part of the "judicial" system target the poor.

It's not so much a racial bias as it is a CLASS warfare against the poor.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.12738682   🗄️.is 🔗kun



every single person you know the name of

from youtube to the senate

is in on it

besides Trump

thats the entire point

the entire fucking thing is a shell game

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:59 p.m. No.12738693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since when did public education, which is the education the vast majority of Americans recive, teach these truths?

That's right… THEY DON'T!!!!!

Which renders your argument MOOT.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.12738846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8871

Look at the attacks the r/Wallstreetbets guys are getting. Sounds a lot like the bullshit that happens to us every damn day for the last 3 years or so.


And none of them appear to have experienced that before. Deep State is attacking them and they're pissed about it. I sense an opportunity for us to reach out to about 4 million new frens.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 27, 2021, 8:16 p.m. No.12738884   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Donald John Trump, you are an asshole.

How long is the tribulation, fellow patriots?

Now every single one of you are going to be looking into that shit.

Donald. Man, c'mon.

Donal John Trump. Dude. This is overkill.

When you see it

>A beautiful brave new world.

>We take this journey together.


Why man. Why?