You know what the biggest "tell" was?
Maxwell emails Jeff re virginia's suit, she's anxious af, wants to know what to do…and Jeff responds….meh. Also the Whitlney Webb shit re Farmer & Virginia claiming Lew Wexner raped them.
Ah, Wexner is gay, Epstein was probably his twink years ago….I can't swear Wexner never stuck his dick in a vagina, but he's gay af, more likely to rape a gay if he needs to rape, which he doesn't. Rape is about power…yay..OK so why ship in girls from ??? to rape when a simple limo ride to the red zone to pick up some whore, rape her and disappear her would be far less messy.
NONE of this shit makes sense. I've spoken about the "social event photo" and how the most important person in attendence re staff IS the photographer. Pic are appearances…appearances lead to more ticket sales.
Study this pic, can you tell me what's happening here? what IS it versus what it APPEARS to be.