Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.12738288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8499 >>8533 >>8741 >>8818 >>8932

Biden’s top cyber adviser donated a lot to Israeli lobby AIPAC, say leftist reporters – and get accused of anti-Semitism


An investigative report about ties between President Joe Biden’s pick for cyberwar adviser Anne Neuberger and AIPAC has unexpectedly landed two Democrat-friendly journalists in hot water with the Washington establishment.


Neuberger is supposed to become Biden’s deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology on the National Security Council. A “rising” star at the NSA, Neuberger got promoted to cybersecurity chief in 2019, after overseeing “a preemptive strike” at Russia during the 2018 election, reveals an investigative piece by David Corn of Mother Jones and Ken Dilanian of NBC News, published Wednesday.


However, Corn and Dilanian also revealed that Neuberger used her family foundation to channel substantial donations to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).


The Anne and Yehuda Neuberger Foundation has donated “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to AIPAC in recent years, according to Dilanian and Corn. The donations increased starting in 2015, when the foundation received a $93 million gift from the Chesed Foundation of America, a charity run by George Karfunkel – described as a “billionaire investor,” who also happens to be Anne Neuberger’s father.


Meanwhile, her husband Yehuda Neuberger chairs AIPAC’s Baltimore executive council, and lobbied against the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran in 2015. The latter point may be the reason behind the piece, as Corn specifically argues that “AIPAC has been widely seen as a supporter of Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right and hardline policies,” incompatible with the Obama administration line that Biden has been busy trying to restore over the past week.

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:15 p.m. No.12738308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Report Case Number 2013-0034, September 10, 2014




The following case was investigated by the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, and involved the following:


The full report is available below, as received under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Document Archive


Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Report Case Number 2013-0034, September 10, 2014 [33 Pages, 13MB]

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:15 p.m. No.12738314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Internal Newsletter, “Investigator”




The Investigator was the internal, employees-only publication of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It was produced by FBI employees for many decades. The first issue, appeared in May 1932, and was mimeographed and two pages in length. Over the years, the publication included hundreds of fascinating articles about FBI History.


Although a few years of this publication have been released, most years have not yet been requested or released.


The FBI has some 28,000 pages of records associated with The Investigator.


In 1953, the FBI established the Publications Unit of the Crime Records Division. The Publications Unit produced The Investigator as well as the Law Enforcement Bulletin. From the 1940s through the early 1970s, the Crime Records Section was led by Milton A. James.


Below, you will find released records from the FBI. Currently, I am in the process of filing for additional records, issues of The Investigator, and compiling additional records that will be added to this section. Make sure you bookmark the page and revisit often for updates.

Declassify the ENTIRE Collection of “THE INVESTIGATOR” newsletters


By letter dated May 18, 2017, there are approximately 50,890 pages of material when I requested ALL issues of “The Investigator.” In order to obtain them all, it would cost $1,525.00 to receive them on CD-ROMs (102 CDs at $15 each). Here is the QUOTE letter.


In 2016, I raised about $600 through a GoFund me campaign to get these issues declassified. Although it won’t be ALL years available, it will yield quite a bit. The released files are archived below, and additional files are being reviewed for declassification.


Declassified Documents


FBI File, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator – FBI Release #1 July 2016 (searchable) – [1,361 Pages, 1.2GB] – Approximate dates: 1961-1970.


zip FBI File, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator – FBI Release #1 .ZIP FILE – [1,361 Pages, 153MB .ZIP FILE] – The contents of the above .PDF, however, they are in a .zip file, in individual files (but not searchable).


FBI File, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator – FBI Release #2 October 2020 (searchable) – [458 Pages, 115MB] – Approximate dates: 2010-2011.


FBI File, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator – FBI Release #3 December 2020 (searchable) – [348 Pages, 150MB] – Approximate dates: 2010-2011.


zip FBI File, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator – FBI Releases #2-3 .ZIP FILE – [806 Pages, 115MB .ZIP FILE] – The contents of FBI releases #2-3 are available in this .zip file download.


FBI File, Partial Release, HQ-94-3-2, The Investigator [544 Pages, 34.7MB] – This release was given to another requester, which were given to The Black Vault archived here for reference. – Approximate dates: 1932-1965.

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.12738331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SF-135 Document Transfer Forms, National Air & Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)




These SF-135 are document transmittal slips, created when information is transferred from one agency to a federal records center.


Rebecca Collier from HistoryHub, explains:


“A SF-135 is a ‘Records Transmittal and Receipt’ used by a Federal Agency when the records are deposited in a Federal Records Center. In Item #6 of the form, agencies must include a detailed folder listing for each box or as an attachment if the records are scheduled for permanent retention. More information about the SF 135 is available at A listing of documents in a folder is considered item level description. Agencies are not required to provide information at the item level for textual records.


After a stated time period (usually 25-30 years), the permanent records are transferred to the legal custody of the National Archives. Copies of the SF 135 are transferred with the records. Until the records are processed, the SF 135 folder listing may be the only finding aid the Reference units have to use to assist a researcher.”


Below you will find records obtained from the National Air & Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), which are SF-135 forms. This is some great “FOIA Fodder” for researchers seeking documents that may not have ever seen the light of day before, all on numerous topics.

Document Archive

SF-135 Document Transfer Forms, National Air & Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), released March 2010 [118 Pages, 42MB]

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:24 p.m. No.12738389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8533 >>8650 >>8741 >>8932

“It’s Because of Who I Am and What I Might Say” – Trump Official Peter Navarro Banned from Twitter after Not Tweeting for Weeks


Former White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro, joined Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. This was after Peter Navarro had been banned by Twitter.


Navarro told Tucker he had not even tweeted since January 14th but was banned this week!


Navarro is the latest Trump official banned from the public sphere following President Trump.


Peter Navarro: It was something about unusual traffic but I hadn’t tweeted since January 14th. The point here is it’s because of who I am and what I might say not because of anything I did. . And this is Pichai at Google, Dorsey at Twitter, Zuckerberg at Facebook, Bezos at Amazon. They somehow believe that it’s their responsibility to shut up half of America. THey’re doing violence to the First Amendment. They’re doing violence to this country. And, this will not stand Tucker. This cannot stand.

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 7:33 p.m. No.12738449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8499 >>8533 >>8609 >>8741 >>8932

Biden's Climate Orders Will Flip America's National Security on Its Head


On Wednesday, President Joe Biden signed two executive orders and issued a memorandum pushing the climate alarmist narrative and boosting the climate-industrial complex. Biden claimed that his administration’s climate boondoggle will create more jobs, but his first climate move — nixing the Keystone XL pipeline — cost 1,000 jobs right away, and an estimated 10,000 more. His climate orders will upend America’s national security as well as its economy.


“Today is ‘climate day’ at the White House, which means that today is ‘jobs day’ at the White House,” Biden said as he introduced his new climate agenda. The president repeated the canard that his transition to green technologies would create more jobs than it eliminates, without mentioning that creating this climate-industrial complex requires massive amounts of taxpayer money and more government intrusion into the economy.


Naturally, vocal criticism came quickly.


“The president who fancies himself as ‘Blue-Collar Joe’ will kill tens of thousands of high-paying blue-collar jobs with his ban on new oil and gas drilling on federal lands,” former Trump/Pence EPA transition team member Steve Milloy said in a statement. “Average oil and gas industry workers earn $70,000 to $80,000 per year vs. $40,000 to $60,000 in the wind and solar energies. The oil and gas jobs killed will be replaced by unemployment and/or lesser paying jobs.”


“Killing oil and gas industry jobs will accomplish nothing for the climate or environment. It will just make energy more expensive, reduce our standard of living and harm our national security by making us more dependent on OPEC,” Milloy argued.


“President Biden is committed to destroying the natural gas and oil industry, and he isn’t wasting any time,” Daniel Turner, executive director of Power the Future, said in a statement. “Elections have consequences and halting fossil fuel leasing on federal lands will cost America good-paying jobs and much-needed revenue, in addition to squandering the energy independence that President Trump fought so hard to achieve.”


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While Biden only signed two executive orders, his first order, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad Executive Order,” proved a monstrosity with no fewer than seven separate aspects.


The order directs the federal government to place the so-called “climate crisis” at the center of U.S. foreign policy and national security concerns. This involves: committing the U.S. to the Paris climate agreement; scheduling a Leaders’ Climate Summit on Earth Day, April 22, 2021; creating a new climate envoy (John Kerry) for the National Security Council; and directing the Director of National Intelligence to prepare a report on climate change. All that represents just one-seventh of this executive monstrosity.

Anonymous ID: b063c4 Jan. 27, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.12738845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8894 >>8895 >>8932

US Weighing Action Against Russia For Navalny Detention: Secretary Of State Blinken


A day after the Senate confirmed President Biden’s nominee, veteran diplomat Antony Blinken, as the secretary of state, Blinken gave his first press conference Wednesday afternoon.


Revealing where Biden's foreign policy emphasis will be over the coming months, he came out swinging against Putin (who else?) and Russia (in addition to mention of Iran and China in the course of the briefing), voicing that the US is "deeply concerned" about jailed opposition activist and politician Alexei Navalny.


Blinken said the US administration is now mulling "actions in response to his detention in Russia," according to Reuters. He highlighted continued concerns for Navalny's "security and safety".


To review, Navalny is serving a 30-day jail sentence for skipping probation related to a 2014 criminal conviction. He recently returned to Moscow from Berlin where he had been recovering from an alleged nerve agent poisoning in August. He and German investigators have claimed it was part of a Russian intelligence assassination attempt on orders from Putin, with the Russian president brushing off the accusations given Navalny is "not important enough" to be a target of state security and intelligence services. Navalny is now urging his supporters to the streets in defiance of the government.


"We have a deep concern for Mr. Navalny’s safety and security and the larger point is that his voice is the voice of many, many, many Russians and it should be heard, not muzzled," Blinken said in his statements, also noting the US is not ruling out any punitive action on the table.


He further said he finds it striking that the Putin government is so "frightened of one man, Mr. Navalny" - in an echo of earlier comments he made. Blinken said in the press briefing:


"It remains striking to me how concerned and maybe even scared the Russian government seems to be of one man, Mr. Navalny."


He said the Biden White House is closely watching the human rights situation inside Russia, following Saturday protests where hundreds were reportedly detained in demonstrations and clashes with police which were deemed 'unauthorized'.


Meanwhile the Russia hawks are already talking "options":


An option for the US government, “would be to fully sanction Russian sovereign debt or financial institutions tied to Putin…options have been available for years, and the attempted assassination and arrest of Navalny might be good reason to invoke them.”

— John Sipher (@john_sipher) January 27, 2021


Blinken also raised other Russia-related issues being closely watched, as Reuters summarizes: "Blinken said at his first press briefing after being sworn in that the Biden administration was reviewing how to respond to actions by Russia, including the alleged use of chemical weapons in an attack on Navalny, the Solar Winds cyber attack, reports of bounties on American forces and interference in U.S. elections."


The day prior, President Biden had raised these issues in a phone call with Putin; however, details in terms of the Russian leader's response were not forthcoming.


Zionists need their WAR asap