Anonymous ID: a5a047 Jan. 27, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.12739461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9465

Whoa…. was looking at the other links and found this one…


More at link…

Anonymous ID: a5a047 Jan. 27, 2021, 9:26 p.m. No.12739631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9653 >>9658



Child Trafficking, list of how many they raped & killed.

My Fellow Trenchers:

Here is the article they did NOT want me to read out over the airwaves! To the point that they cut off my broadcast connection,… and then I could NOT reconnect thru the computer no matter what I tried, so I had to call back on a cell phone to finish.

This aligns EXACTLY with what the attorney Lin Wood stated in articles I covered about how all the high ranking leaders are controlled via rape and murder of children.

This was originally done by Tori Smith, who actually met some of these scumbags, and when she went public with this, they MURDERED her for it!

It these people are willing to rape and murder children like she describes, imagine what they are willing to do to you and your family in the name of their allegiance to their Satanistic/Zionist cabal!

You may need to vomit after understanding what this really means. – JD



Tory Smith world best DNA reader murdered 2016 did a lot of work on the kidnappings of children, this side (physical side) and on the otherside (spiritual plane). Mike Pence and Gregg Zoeller were mentioned quite extensively. Mike Pence mentioned at the end. This is the senate….


Clairvoyants eh? here’s one for you, it’s from one of the best DNA readers in the world, ‘they” killed him back in 2016, Tory Smith…


Published on Jan 13, 2016 – The Temporals of the Senate have attempted to kill me today after I posted a list of 44 of them that raped and murdered at the Langley VA MILAB so I decided to share a list of all Senators that are involved in MILAB Child Trafficking – Tori Smith


US Senate List of Child Traffickers – Tori Smith

was introduced to this Senate I’m pretty sure there were only two women, and I think it was Elizabeth Warren and another one, maybe was Diane Feinstein I think, but that was a couple of years ago, maybe even back as far as 2012. And you know I dont really monitor things like that because I’ve been so busy doing other things. And so what I did was… I wanted to go through, just quickly go through to give people an idea of what’s going on in the Senate, and I… which with the tablet it takes a really long time to download so I’ll just go through this really quickly….


JOHN CORNYN has raped 43 children and killed 1

TED CRUZ has raped 328 children and murdered 26

ORRIN HATCH 427 he’s raped in this lifetime, he’s also a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL in the other one. He’s killed 51 children in this lifetime.

MIKE LEE has raped 18 and killed 1

TIM KAINE has raped 26 children and killed 2

MIKE WARNER (he’s over from the east coast) he’s raped 57 children and killed 3

PATRICK J LEAHY (who I just met today) he’s raped 176 children and killed 14 of them. And he was really pissed off saying “Who the hell are you?” chuckle haha Whatever dude!

BERNIE SANDERS has raped 218 children and killed 18. He’s also a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL from the past.

RON JOHNSON- has raped 66 children and killed 3

SHELLY MOORE CAPITO has killed 3 children

JOE MANCHIN 3RD he’s raped 117 children and killed 17

JOHN BARRASSO has raped 157 children and killed 10

MICHAEL B ENZI has raped 12 children and killed 1 of them

DANIEL SULLIVAN raped 107 children, killed 3

JEFF SESSIONS raped 76 children and killed 7

RICHARD SHELBY raped 112 children killed 13

JOHN BOOZMAN has raped 86 children and killed 3

TOM COTTON has raped 12 children and killed 2 because he’s a new comer.

JEFF LAKE has raped 53 children and killed 2

JOHN McCAIN has been arrested YAAAY !!! I’m sure there’s a rally of clones out there…. I’m so glad to hear about the arrest. 😀

JOHN McCAIN had raped 136 children and killed 9 he was also a former NAZI WAR CRIMINAL who murdered a lot of people

MICHAEL BENNET he’s raped 81, children killed 4

CORY GARDNER has raped 51children, killed 2

MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL has raped 64 children, killed 3

CHRISTOPHER MURPHY has raped 61 children, killed 4

THOMAS R CARPER raped 17 children and killed 1, another new comer to the scene.

CHRISTOPHER A COONS raped 56 and killed 3

Anonymous ID: a5a047 Jan. 27, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.12739643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9686


BILL NELSON has raped 42 and killed 3

MARK RUBIO has raped 156 children and murdered 17 of them during rape

JOHN ISAKSON has raped 76 children, killed 14

DAVID PERDUE has raped 17 and killed 1

BRIAN SCHATZ raped 76 children and killed 6

CHUCK GRASSLEY has raped 101 children and killed 14

MIKE CRAPO has raped 66 children and killed 7

JANES E RISCH has raped 74 children and killed 6 of them

RICHARD J DURBIN has raped 57 children, killed 2

MARK KIRK (Illinois)has raped 63 and murdered 7 of them

DAN COATS (Indiana) has raped 18 children and murdered 3

JOE DONNELLY has raped 16 children and killed 3

BEN E. SASSE has raped 26 children and killed 1

CORY A BOOKER has raped 67 children and killed 2

ROBERT MENENDEZ has raped 46, killed 1

MARTIN HEINDRICK was also a NAZI he has raped 73 children and murderd 4 of them

TOM UDALL has raped 26 children and killed 1

DEAN HELLER has raped 64 children, killed 3

HARRY REID another one that’s just so vile, he’s another NAZI WAR CRIMINAL he has raped 128 children in this lifetime and killed 7

CHUCK E SCHUMER a Senator from New York. He’s one of the 17 men on this planet who are parading aroung as jewish men when he’s actually a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL and in this lifetime he’s raped 176 children and murdered 14 of them. And I want to do a separate issue, or whatever, episode a youtube video about these men like, Benjamin Netenyahu and Charles E Schumer from New York are NAZI WAR CRIMINALS pretending to be Jews, it’s just absolutely disgusting.

SHARON BROWN raped 17 and killed 1

ROB PORTMAN has raped 77 and killed 3

JAMES M INHOFE has raped 16 and killed 1 (another newcomer) [wow! an old geezer ugh!] JAMES LANKFORD has raped 56 and killed 3

JEFF MERKLEY has raped 43 and killed 2

[6:51] JOHN ? has raped 43 and killed 1

ROBERT CASEY Jr has raped 76 children and killed 3

PATRICK J TOOMEY has raped 53 and killed 2

JACK REID has raped 84 children and killed 3

SHELDON WHITEHOUSE has raped 17 and killed 1 (another newcomer)

Another one I really hate, another NAZI WAR CRIMINAL:

LINDSEY GRAHAM (South Carolina) has raped 176 children and killed 15, and he was also… well one in Atlanta recently and another one over in the miLab in Virginia, Langley

TOM SCOTT (another newcomer) has raped 3 children killed 1

MIKE ROUNDS has raped 54 children and killed 7

JOHN THUNE has raped 128 children and killed 14

and here’s another NAZI WAR CRIMINAL:

LAMAR ALEXANDER he’s raped 64 children and killed 3

JOHN CORKER (another one) 156 children this man has raped and killed 17

JERRY MORAN has raped 66, killed 4

PAT ROBERTS has raped 69, killed 3

Anonymous ID: a5a047 Jan. 27, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.12739649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9656 >>9672 >>9681 >>9697


LINDSEY GRAHAM (South Carolina) has raped 176 children and killed 15, and he was also… well one in Atlanta recently and another one over in the miLab in Virginia, Langley

TOM SCOTT (another newcomer) has raped 3 children killed 1

MIKE ROUNDS has raped 54 children and killed 7

JOHN THUNE has raped 128 children and killed 14

and here’s another NAZI WAR CRIMINAL:

LAMAR ALEXANDER he’s raped 64 children and killed 3

JOHN CORKER (another one) 156 children this man has raped and killed 17

JERRY MORAN has raped 66, killed 4

PAT ROBERTS has raped 69, killed 3

MITCH McCONNELL (Kentucky) beautiful city, but he has raped 156 children, murdered 17, and I love a lot of Kentucky.

another filthy lowlife from Kentucky is:

RAND PAUL he’s raped 21 children and killed 2

BILL CASSIDY has raped 46, killed 3

DAVID VITTER has raped 17 and killed 1

EDWARD J MARKEY has raped 66 children and killed 7

ELIZABETH WARREN has killed 7. Now the women don’t rape the children, but Elizabeth Warren has killed like, Hillary Clinton, driving a stake through their heart like Tom Cruise does in Illuminati Human Sacrifices

BENJAMIN L CARDIN has raped 86 children and killed 14

JONI ERNST she also is a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL and I’m pretty sure she’s a male. That’s like kinda something I’m still working on. She was a male NAZI WAR CRIMINAL but now she’s a female Senator, she’s killed 1 child

BARBARA BOXER (California) has killed 1 child

DIANE FEINSTEIN has murdered 17 children in human sacrifices

LISA MURKOWSKI has killed 3 in human sacrifices

[9:30] LISA M CO???? has killed 1 child in human sacrifices

ANGUST S KING Jr has raped 17, killed 1

GARY PETERS has raped 57, killed 6

DEBBIE STABENOW (this name just blew me away) has murdered 3 children by stabbing them through the heart, and how appropriate it is her name Debbie I’ll Stab You Now !

Another filthy lowlife criminal:

AL FRANKEN that has raped 16 children, killed 1

ROY BLUNT has raped 76 children, killed 13

THAD (why would anyone name a child thad) THAD COCHRAN has raped 61 children and killed 10

ROGER WICKER it’s a 156 children this criminal has raped and killed 17

STEVE DAINES has raped 16 and killed 1

JOHN TESTER has raped 56 and killed 3

[10:23] RICHARD B??? (name to be checked out again) has raped 76 children and killed 14

THOM TILLIS has raped 64 and killed 3

HEIDI HEITKAMP has killed 1 person

JOHN HOEVEN has raped 42 children and killed 3


and most of the people in the government of the United States are NAZI WAR CRIMINALS in their former lives. Almost everybody 90% of people who are NAZI SOLDIERS and NAZI WAR CRIMINALS, GENERALS, OFFICERS, whatnot they’re all here. Including the man acting as our governor MIKE PENCE who has just murdered his 19th child, and he is being supported and protected by the FBI, the Indiana state police, the Indianapolis municipal police dept, which is kind of hard to say, and seriel pedophile, Indiana attorney general Greg Zoeller, who has routinely participates in the killings at the Indianapolis miLabs.