>Time Magazine Attacks White House Sign Language Interpreter Because She Wore a MAGA Hat
Time has hired Jr. High drop-outs for journalists.
>Time Magazine Attacks White House Sign Language Interpreter Because She Wore a MAGA Hat
Time has hired Jr. High drop-outs for journalists.
>Spoiler alert: You're going to need a backup generator.
Spoiler-spoiler alert: You won't need one, ~~all~~ 90% of the nuclear power plants would go fukushima within the first few days and then your backup generator will only draw attention.
>why is Creepy signing 10 E.O.'s everyday?
They are being called "Executive Actions"
Anon will fade it on all rallies up to the recent high while high.
Too large of a capitalization (5.36bln shares) and no large short position (0.94%) like GME's (140.57%).
Portnoy's smoking something else.