>>1273641( old bread sorry)
Yeah you have the right to not like his content for sure , but to assume that people should only do things bc of the high moral integrity and not at all to make money is a Marxist idea. If those two things coincide than thats great. They WHOLE idea of capitalism is that it works because becasue you exchange money for something that benefits your life…a free and unforced transaction. I think that we all should find a cause we believe in and try to be as good at it as possible so people will pay you for it. Of course he is benefitting from it in some way but good for him. If he gives you the skeeves hah and thats funny to me cuz I could see why, I have always liked him but I get some of the criticism. I jsut think there is too much undercover marxist views being propagated on Accident..JMHO as well