Hollywood FX Can’t Save Bankrupt USA Inc.'
It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes, confirm that nobody is in the White House. The corrupt members of Congress and the Senate dare not show their faces in Washington DC, knowing they could be arrested if they do so. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jan/21/house-cancels-business-during-first-full-biden-wee/
Here is a picture of the oval office sound stage where they are shooting the so-called “President” Biden using Hollywood FX.
This is always another option. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-55469093
Different uniforms were used for the fake inauguration of Biden. One source on location says actors were hired.
Now compare with the inauguration of George Bush Jr. The uniforms all have insignia.
There is plenty of other evidence out there, such as photos of a parking lot behind the “Oval Office,” when the real one would have a lawn in the background.
Thief in Chief Biden and team were denied the use of a government plane and had to fly on a private jet, illustrating how he is an illegitimate president.
Pentagon sources say we are now in an interregnum before a Republic of the United States of America is established. Eventually, potentially from Alaska to Argentina they suggest. A new capital will be built, and Washington DC will become a museum and tourist attraction, the sources say.
Remember, the Republic of the United States of America founded in 1776 was replaced by a privately owned corporation in 1871. That corporation’s shelf life has now expired.
However, the owners of the Corporation: the Rockefeller and Rothschild, etc. crime families are still fighting tooth and nail to keep their illusion of control intact. They have reached a deal with Communist China to finance their corporation and have been blackmailing the U.S. military with nuclear dirty bombs.
That is why their sh-t-show is still on many television sets. As further evidence the Rockefellers are trying to sell us out to China, take a look at the CCP flunky they want to run the CIA: https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/biden-cia-director-ccp/
However, Pentagon, British MI6 and Russian FSB sources say a counter-attack is underway that will end their entire fake pandemic and related attempt at establishing totalitarian rule. Russian FSB sources promise “the global trend is to stop the pandemic hysteria by May.” Of course, we have seen so many deadlines come and go with no visible change happening that we will only believe this when we see it.
Nonetheless, the reason the Russians say it will be over by May is because – although the information has been carefully scrubbed from the English language internet – the fact is that in 2020 global mortality statistics show no increase. In other words, the objective facts show the entire pandemic is fake.
The article at the link below in Russian has English charts showing these statistics. Please use Google translate or something similar to read the text. https://hippy-end.livejournal.com/3918359.html