Based Ben!
When was that taken?
>What do you actually know about me from a couple of posts on this board?
You come from Reddit?
Years, eh?
Did you get a gold or platinum account?
Maybe when my membership expires, I'll upgrade.
I have heard that.
Membership has its privileges.
Dude, you over used "I" in your sentence.
>I still use this training today as I screen job applicants for my company
Why are you such a FAGGOT?
It does not depend on how much money redditors have.
The stocks are charging interest, and the prices are going up. Jews being jewed by jew business practice.
It will be a blood bath when they can't buy back the stock that is due returned tomorrow.
When the brokers go down, their lenders go down, and everything goes BOOM!
They are so fucked they literally Broke laws.
They are going down, down, down, and tomorrow is just the beginning.
Look what Japan did to them.
Being in the (((news))) he probably knows what's coming. For some reason the jews are in meltdown.
They are. However, it won't work this time because the GOYIM know.
They have overplayed their hand. They know it. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.
Hate Speech is Free Speech.