Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS.>>12752142
Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS.We've>>12752142
Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS.had>>12752142
Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS>>12752142
Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS.had>>12752142
Dear Khazarian fucking BITCH, what do you think the systematic robbery and rape of white cultures is? I think you fuckers have "uprose" enough.
Khazarian bankers get deported from the BANKS. We've finally had enough of your sit. You want to be "jews"? GO to fucking Israel. There's a reason you keep getting ejected. YOU Khazarian fuckers KILL every culture you invade. Trust me, it's not because of the "Jesus LARP" you created, it's because you can't just live in peace and stop trying to steal everything you filthy Khazar hands touch.
It's genetic.