11.3 3.0 Part 1 of 2, plus Appendix
Faking the Fakers, u get it
11.3 Lives, Gone Live
I have recently restudied 'biggest drop' within the first 36 drops of Q Code which filtered to a list of drop portions. Those portions form Part 2. There is also an Appendix pushing further considerations.
in defense of final analysis, form your own analysis
This Part 1, offers the reasoning for the filtering, thus breadth of study, as well as additional commentary and further speculations.
The core is 'biggest drop' within first 36 and then swelled out to included what Q relates in that context, still restricted to first 36.
Drop 12 makes it plain that Military Intelligence is a significant part of 'biggest drop'. Thus references to military, MI, even AF1 are included. But not all 'POTUS' used who is Commander and Chief of military.
Many references to State Secrets are included which by definition pretty much refers to military prerogatives. State Secrets, found in earliest Q Code, could be abbreviated as SS, commonly found in Q Code. With each use of SS, one must ask does Q mean State Secrets or Secret Service. Both are very similar yet distinct.
It is not until drop 26 that 11.3 is linked to military, and that to 'biggest drop'. Thus all 11.3 drops included within scope. 11.3 defined as 1st marker which is said to be verifiable. Have we yet seen an 11.3 that clearly, that highly regarded, that is also linked to (visible) military action? Consider the 'public' of 34. 11.3.17 saw no arrests though Anons, mistakenly, waited long and late through those nights for arrests. When it was still available, I went through it all. Valant Anons those days and nights but nothing Verifiable. And by 11.4.20, 11.3.20 sounded like a fizzle and dud thanks to the Election Coup… still at play. We saw no military in action. Nothing VERIFIED… No mark… No overt military activity… thus… 11.3 3.0… remains plausible.
17 suggests MI can prosecute… have not seen that yet, overtly Verifiable.
Note 'hostile takeover' drop 4, 6. Prior to 1.20.21, did 45 have opportunity or need for a 'hostile takeover'? Until then he openly held top, usually considered greatest prize of a 'takeover'. Does not 'hostile takeover' best define these exact days?
Inclusion of 16 could be said to be out of bounds, but reference to POTUS (military) and 'clean house (gov't)' sounding like 'hostile takeover', justifies. This could specify and clarify… think it all through. Why do I drop so early Fri?
Is it not curious how military intelligence plays with and against SC, Congress, 3 letter agencies, starting as early as drop 2 ! ? ! MI portrayed as the greater and truer force and roughly equivalent to State Secrets, yet virtually unseen across public spectrum… thus far?
Wizards and Warlocks mentioned in 15 is roughly the same as MI but not necessarily all references included… expand your thinking.
Speculatively, could military court, oath keepers, convene secretly, if, let us say on a 1.7 all other parts of government sanctioned a FRAUD for next POTUS? Would not military be duty bound to convene, and Secretively, as State, their sole prerogative.
Speculatively, could military sanction and preform a SECRET inauguration intending to soon trap and capture a very treasonous horde of fakes and frauds?
If the 2 speculations above hold merit could they happen within 10 to 11 days. Let us say by a 1.17 of plausible Q point (11.13.20)… or did Durham simply end a Secret Hunt, start of delta count. If that speculation is true, it would be big, monumental, but remains State Secret. Measuring any measurement of 11.3, as delta not date, from that point would be highly speculative but plausibly highly imminent too.
I say 11.3 not yet VERIFIED, no marker. But are we now past yet another open starting point (of a delta, not date), a big happening. What do you get increasing 1.20 by 11.3 ? ! ? How's your math? It has been long said 11.3 is not specified by year… nor is it's incrementation, if delta, ever declared.
All I know is the first 36 drops look very unfulfilled, nothing VERIFIED, no mark one, no overt military action, other than small riot response and perhaps guarding a Faking, Treasonous Fraudster's right to self-incriminate. At this late date, years beyond first published, if such should occur, it would be 'biggest drop' /pol/ ever crumbed.