Starting to roll out Covid Vax adverts on TV in Australia.
If the Covid Vax is the Soma in this beautiful brave new world, then consider me a fucking savage. Unbelievable.
No science. No due process. Nothing.
Starting to roll out Covid Vax adverts on TV in Australia.
If the Covid Vax is the Soma in this beautiful brave new world, then consider me a fucking savage. Unbelievable.
No science. No due process. Nothing.
This guys grandfather fought in WW2. You can tell.
How many German women did he rape?
errr…. you're all fucking mad, you do realise that right? In the words of that scrawny, rat featured obama fucker, 'what happened?'
… you just mind your own business and keep your vacant words to yourself. It means nothing to me self convincer.
I respect most vets deeply. Doesn't change the fact that the complex fucked up a relative, a vet grabbed me by the throat as a kid, I had a gun pointed at me regularly (unaware), and some would fuck my girl if they had the chance. I'll talk to God, and definately not through you, so move along.
Your arrogance, superiority complex and assumption is astounding.
You are all a disgrace and fucking useless if this is fact. Worst. Guard. Ever.
… just someone else's fantasy really.
Fuck off. Voyeurs and savages.
Wash your hands and move on. That's technology and power!
Sweet. I'm quitting work. You wasted years. Go fuck yourself and your access to intel.