Anonymous ID: 6dc2d5 Jan. 29, 2021, 5:05 a.m. No.12754327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m going to present some thoughts I have on the origin of man on Earth, fallen angels and what we’re seeing happen now:


As I understand it there was a semi-intelligent pre-human species on this planet. Then the watchers showed up. The watchers are said to have been fallen angels. They could be inter-dimensional or an alien species but either way they are clearly extra-terrestrial beings of some kind. They mated with the sons of man on Earth and created abominations called the Nephilim. Half fallen angel and half man these beings were not right at all. Cannibals that could do nothing but destroy. The planet was completely corrupted as the watchers taught man and their new offspring all types of knowledge as described in The Book of Enoch and other ancient texts. Then God sends a great flood to rid the world of this corruption. Some of these groups hide underground or in caves in the mountains to avoid this cataclysmic event. Then after a time they reemerge and begin to continue living on Earth. The descendants of Noah also survive this event obviously. We know this Great Flood occurred because of the number of cultures worldwide that have this same story.


Now at some point the corrupted men and/or the offspring of the Nephilim started to gain more power and control over the people of this planet. As history plays out you can observe this if you know what to look for. The tyrants of history are clearly Draconian in nature and exemplify this link to whatever the fallen angels/watchers are. It appears that these groups have organized to control the people of Earth throughout our recorded history. This is what we know to be the Cabal. We serfs have had a couple of nice victories against our adversary. We have to look to these examples to discover the way to beat them. When we have confidence in our ability to exercise our God-given free will we win. When we recognize that the only power that they have over us is an illusion we win. We have to consent to being their slaves essentially. If we achieve the necessary courage to stand up in the face of evil then we will emerge triumphant. Understanding the hero’s journey is the key. Again, they only have the power over us that we grant them out of fear so therefore stand up and fight for your right as a divine being with free will and everlasting courage to never give in and to never surrender. This has always been our mission here on Earth. The meaning of life is quite simple. Let’s end this fight now for all of those that have come before us that they will not have laid down their lives in vain.



God bless us all,

