You seem to think that calling me 'transphobic' would have some sort of 'effect' on me. Maybe cause me to run around pulling my hair out? Screeching that you don't like me or something? I really hate to disappoint you, but, it didn't work.
The threat, or promise, however you wish to look at it, of 'sending us to re-education camps' that however, does get my attention. I will consider what you said. I will take what you said at face value and be happy to act accordingly. It is unfortunate though, that you yourself won't be included in the number that actually are out on the street making your threat/promise a reality. That fact will disappoint me. Greatly. Rest assured though, after your useful idiot minions doing your dirty work have been thwarted, you are next. I think the word I'm looking for is no. You don't get to control everything and attempting to do so is not advised.