ebot predicted it?
but did you get your flu shot?
>ebot's premonitions of double gasketing come true
That's the thing I want sauce for… if you can even give me a quote I can search for it myself.
Morning anons…
reading Byrne's story I feel like I just found out Santa's not real… like I found out John Galt (what I've been calling all these amazing producers/contributors teaming up to save the world) was an addict or something.
Still comfy though. Not sure what I'm cheering for today; I want pain but not so much pain that it even starts to make me feel like I did when I realized my presence at the Capitol was weaponized against the plan.
Still comfy though.
Morning, Boss, if you're out there. I meant what I said; until the wheels fall off.
I think I just peed a little.
Music relevant