I think we all need to think about this for a minute. First, Rona McDaniel may very well be right that as the chair of the party that she can't, shouldn't go on record at this point to who she would or would not support. I don't see a big deal here. Secondly, the Republicans gained a shit load of seats and came very close to taking back the House and held on, barely, to the senate. That is considered a failure? Not in my fucking book. Third, have we all forgotten that this election WAS STOLEN? And it just wasn't the Presidential election. They stole what ever seat they won all up and down the fucking ballot. Especially here in Georgia with those two conniving marxist wannabes winning the runoff. Georgia ain't no blue state. The entire state government is overwhelmingly controlled by republicans. In the article Joe Hoft quotes the Chicago Sun Times: "The national GOP, under McDaniel’s leadership, spent the past four years almost SINGULARLY FOCUSED on Trump’s 2020 reelection". Looks to me like Rona worked her ass off to get our POTUS reelected. I think Joe Hoft owes Rona a big damn apology for this SHIT article he wrote about her. And…………………..DO NOT FORGET, this election was stolen right in front of our fucking eyes. The biggest most brazen theft in the history of this country and now we are, oh well, that's old news, next narrative, next news cycle, let's move on, we'll get em' next time WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!