Not a marketfag here. Help me understand anons, what exactly is the potential outcome of the whole wallstreet scenario. Aside from the billionaire hedge funds losing their tendies, will the current events actually trigger a ripple effect on the whole US economy/world? RE: 2008? Cause for me at this point, it just kind of seems like its fearporn that media shills are putting out.
>Many of them are putting their life savings on the line and it's not just about making money.
I've been following the events. Pic related. This is without a doubt one of the greatest things I'm witnessing right now. I was also trying to understand if there is a possibility of an economic FF event to counter whats currently happening. That's where my curiosity lead me to.
>>12756681 (me)
Was meant to refer to this post on r/wallstreetbets https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l78uct/gme_yolo_update_jan_28_2021/
Internet is getting fucky on my end.
Appreciate the qr.