More taxes. I'm sure thats how they will "fix" it
Yet another family sacrificeโฆ
Dude we are so far beyond trump at this point. Gods bless the man for everything he did for our country but the man are in the trenches and they are fighting back anyway they know how.
Won't happen. We have all the medical advancement, technology and let's not forget all the fucking military bases. Sorry dude your stuck with us.
I'm not sure where this sudden push for secession comes from.
If you only read on holy book your holding yourself back.
Ok which ones?
Kek I am not in fear of the afterlife and any religion that pushes fear in order for you to comply isnt real.
Kek I'm a shill for making you look at your own beliefs? Thats not how it works. Honestly I dont give a fuck who you worship. Stop being so insecure with your own religion.
Your religious leaders have killed millions. They slaughtered innocent people all in the name of your God. Dont forget that.
Cool dude. Bring it. Not afraid of death. Sad you are.
Not the same. When you kill in the name of a God that has power, almost magic if you look into the occult.
Then why are you afraid of me? If your eternal? Doesn't make sense. Funny.