Durham's indictments of the high level FBI officers re Crossfire Hurricane is FISAGATE.
It is the START.
The previews are almost over.
Thank God.
Durham's indictments of the high level FBI officers re Crossfire Hurricane is FISAGATE.
It is the START.
The previews are almost over.
Thank God.
The blanks being back-dated pardons makes sense.
There is no pardon that covers treason, especially by the signer.
That's because you think death is your cessation of consciousness.
If you knew what death truly was, and what the second death is, you would be terrified.
I was dead, like you.
Now I'm not.
Because I know what dead is, and how God grants life to the dead.
Death is your separation from God.
You think like an animal.
Start thinking like an eternal human being.
No, it is not.
The Antichrist and False Prophet are in the lake of fire 1,000 years later.
There is no Annihilation.
I know a lot about you, actually, by virtue of your posting on a messageboard.
And being dead, of course.
But you think death is only physical, because you think like an animal.
Who told you to think like an animal?
The cabal?