When nobody goes to jail for the GameStop scandal, the people will realize that the United States of America is nothing more than a corporation protecting its bottom line.
The idea that wealth is being destroyed is laugh out loud funny.
This is wealth redistribution. (using the free market, not a communist government)
The hedgefunds will go under, and innocent people who had their money parked with that fund (probably unknowingly) will also lose money. (Most financial advisors have their client's money spread out over all 10 asset groups, with the stock market only being one of them, so I don't expect the average joe's to get wiped out like they did in 2008. And that would only be the people who had their money invested with Melvin and those involved.)
While this is unfortunate, billions of dollars will flood the marketplace. Newfound millionaires will be looking for places to invest that money, which will generate opportunity for a WAVE of new businesses that this country has never experienced.
There will also be a flurry of class-action lawsuits, from both Robinhood users as well as the unassuming victims of the hedgefunds' negligence. (How that plays out will be interesting, but corrupt court procedures could make it all a nothing-burger.)
Regardless, the exposure of the criminal-behavior of high-level institutions will be on full display. It will be undeniable to all people of what is occurring. They will see that the stock market is a rigged system, and will pull their money out, while demanding repercussions. (Which Biden will be unable to deliver.) That money will then go toward investing in more tangible assets– precious metals, real estate/development, and local small businesses. (Which is fantastic for the economy.)
The biggest question will be whether the Biden administration is still around. Assuming that it is, they will likely be scrambling non-stop to protect their corrupt friends, which will further reveal the true nature of our world. (DARK TO LIGHT)
I suspect new taxes and regulations will be put in place, to hinder the efforts of the newfound millionaires to put their earnings back into the economy, which will further piss everybody off.
If Biden is left unchecked (by military) then he will probably tighten his grip, using COVID as cover to shut down the economy, which at that point will be bursting at the seams.
That is what I expect will be considered "The Precipice," as people will no longer tolerate the government telling them what they can and can't do with their wealth. Civil disobedience will be widespread, not only in mass assembly/demonstration, but also people just blatantly ignoring the government's arbitrary new rules.
Just like with COVID, many local governments and states (Red areas) will refuse to enforce Biden's edicts, while the crackdowns in the Blue areas will be substantial. Whatever real support (from real voters) Biden possesses will evaporate, which will likely warrant even further action from Biden to maintain control. If nothing is done (from a Q/military standpoint) then the natural human response (Game Theory) will ultimately lead to violent civil war. (After the "crest" of The Precipice.)
So the question is when does the Military step in really take over? (unveil the Truth to everybody)
If Q is to be believed, and the goal is "Maximum Impact," then it would make sense to allow this chain of events to continue to play out, to give Biden the opportunity to fuck everything up and morph into a true dictator. (Which would happen with the blessing of Congress, just like with Hitler.)
Timeline? who fucking knows. I'm done with date-fagging. But things are definitely getting super interdasting, and I'm really enjoying the show.
So you're saying that the domino effect could threaten the entire fiat system? And require commodities (gold/silver) to serves as liquid capital? kek
Where have I heard that before?
Nice meme but those images should be larger. I can barely tell what they are. (less white space)
They should be way bigger than the logos. The logos are designed to be recognized even at a tiny scale.
>the system
If you are suggesting the voting system, okay. (may be on to something)
If you are suggesting they are orchestrating the GameStop situation, then no.
No money or wealth is being vaporized. It is merely changing hands. What's different is it is flowing in the opposite direction, this time.
If you blame God for the actions of men, then you are more ignorant than the people you are mocking.